
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



Ah, my last first day of class as an undergrad. *wipes away tear*

It was pretty good actually. The first class was amazing, and the second one sucked. So if you average those together you get, well, an average day I guess.

Have I mentioned the new book I have been reading? I think I mentioned it a little. Anyway, there was this guy on Oprah called Dr. Phil, and I bought his book on relationships. I finished chapter one, and I am doing pretty well in the workbook that comes with it. How do I always get involved in stuff that gives me homework? :)

My throat hurt like a mo-fo when I got up this morning. I sounded like a weak form of laryngitis. Yay! (note sarcasm)

I felt like crap so just pulled on jeans and a fleece sweatshirt. I felt bad dressing so shitty for class, but it is just class. As I was walking around campus I felt a little better because there were these girls with enough makeup to keep the industry afloat for the next ten years! Yikes! How do girls think that is attractive??? I don't get it.

Hippie Beach was jumping as it was mild weather and the first day of class. There was a "presentation" on the evils of the Coke corporation (who has a monopoly on our campus). As I was walking by they were planning a storming of the Campus Center to protest. *giggles*

I have already started working on my next design for this site. I have a lot of it worked out, and now I am getting antsy since I figured I would leave this up until Valentine's Day.

You know what irritates me? No one ever posts on Online Flames. I just feel bad because if I ditch it, it is not as if the name gets recycled, so it just sits there. Plus I like the colors of the design I made. C'mon guys, you must have shit to complain about. Bitch Fest sure is popular...

Before - After

said Jenn on January 29, 2002 at 4:10 p.m.