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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


interview and reviews

Another interview of mine was posted. I am way too lazy, what with it being the first day of class to post the whole thing yet, so you can just click here for my adoring fans.

I love the first day of school. The new pens, the new pencils, the fresh notebooks. I loved that part in You've Got Mail where Tom Hanks talks about sending Meg Ryan a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils." Maybe I could have seen this wanting to be a teacher thing coming a lot sooner had I opened my eyes, eh? *wink*

In other news, I opened up another "casting call" for Diary Reviewers. I was feeling cheeky, so that's really what I called it. As usual, I was disappointed with the results. Not the people per say, though I do usually get a moron or two that just makes me shake my head as I press the delete button. No, what disappoints me is the comments on my content. I know my content sucks. I cannot fathom how anyone can read my diary. I am convinced that my visitors consist mostly of people coming from Google looking for my pretty panties. Do you know I get at least one google every other day? Geesh!

Hell, I have come to accept that my design looks shitty in netscape, which I think is alright, because I think Netscape is shitty.

I write every day because Jim said to be a good writer you must practice often. So I figured if I crank out an entry every day that's good practice, no? Apparently not.

Here is a tip: If I am not writing about these deep thoughts, that may be because I am not some dark teenager who sits all day and thinks "Woe is the soul who does not own a shirt from A&F." "Black is the day when he will not look at me." or any of that crap I see on so many other diaries.

In a large communities of Eeyores, I am more a Kanga or my favorite, Piglet. The majority of my days are quite good, and the things in my life that are bad are not things I tend to dwell on all the time. (i.e. my family)

The interesting thing however, is that in the course of writing this, I thought about my favorite diaries, and came to realize that they write more like I do, so I guess it's not so bad. To each her own. :O)

Before - After

said Jenn on January 29, 2002 at 8:48 a.m.