
About Me
my ebay listings


July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



I saw this on Dana's diary a few days ago, but I was so busy gearing up for Jim's visit I could not do it. But now that I seem to be the only person that has NOT done it, I figured I better do it. :) Don't you love subtle peer pressure? Just kidding....

15 Years Ago I....
1. was 6 years old.
2. was in 1st grade.
3. loved to wear these two dresses. One had mice on it, and the other had ducks or geese on it. Don't ask.
4. could not tie my shoes.
5. lived with my grandparents

10 Years Ago I...
1. was 11 years old.
2. was in 6th grade.
3. my brother was 2 and my other brother was born.
4. had one of my favorite teachers ever
5. was living in Phoenix, AZ

Five Years Ago I...
1. got my driver's license
2. was in JROTC
3. was a junior in high school
4. wanted to apply to Brown University
5. wanted to be a rich lawyer

2 Years Ago I...
1. celebrated my one year anniversary with Jim
2. moved into my very own apartment for the first time.
3. was halfway done with college
4. wanted to quit student government
5. wondered if I would ever want to see my parents again.

1 Year Ago I...
1. had to deal with Jim graduating and moving away
2. wondered what I was going to do with my life
3. decided I wanted to become a teacher
4. thought about changing schools
5. quit student government (finally!!!)

Yesterday I...
1. was in NY with Jim
2. got a present from Jim (a bartending book)
3. was angry because Jim's car was vandalized by the @$$holes next door.
4. learned I did not get the summer job I had wanted.
5. ate a burger with fries without feeling guilty.

Today I....
1. went to work
2. made love to Jim
3. cleaned some random mess areas in the living room and in my room
4. had chocolate chip pancakes...(yum!)
5. got a lot of my homework done

Tomorrow I...
1. will go to work
2. will try to finish my homework
3. will watch Adult Swim
4. will try to make out with Jim as much as possible.
5. read my bartending book from Jim

5 Items I Have Brand Loyalty To
1. Sprite
2. Stove Top Stuffing
3. DP Dough Calzones
4. Old Navy jeans
5. Pace Picante Sauce

5 Snacks I Enjoy
1. Chips with salsa
2. Reese's Pieces
3. Popcorn (with lotsa butter)
4. Ice Cream
5. Smartfood

5 Songs I Know the Words To, Even Without the Music
1. Alexander's Ragtime Band - Bing Crosby
2. Awake - letters to Cleo
3. Stars - Hum
4. In the meantime - Spacehog
5. The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra

5 Games I Like
1. Asshole
2. Crazy 8s
3. Strip Poker
4. You Don't Know Jack
5. The Sims

5 Books That Moved Me
1. The New Kid On the Block - Jack Prelutsky
2. Message In a Bottle - Nicholas Sparks
3. Relationship Rescue - Dr. Phil
4. Setting Limits in the Classroom
5. this book of poetry, with a poem by Christina Rossetti

5 Things I Would Buy with $1000
1. Clothes
2. Books
3. Blank CDs
4. Tickets to a Red Sox-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium
5. a CD player for my car

My Top 5 Guilty Pleasures
1. Diaryland
2. Shopping for clothes
3. buying books
4. reese's pieces sundaes at Friendly's
5. my top three favorite drinks: green monster, mint cookie, or grateful dead

Top 5 Musicians Lately
1. Blink 182
2. The Strokes
3. Fabolous
4. Frank Sinatra
5. Brian Setzer Orchestra

Top 5 Locations I Would Love To Run Away To
1. Virgin Islands
2. Southern California
3. Phoenix, AZ
4. Cancun, Mexico
5. Bahamas/Hawaii

5 Bad Habits I Have
1. Not speaking my mind
2. Biting my nails
3. Thinking about what I want, rather than appreciating what I have
4. Procrastinate
5. perfectionist

5 Things I Would Never Wear
1. fake eyelashes
2. overalls
3. stretch pants
3. muumuus
4. big cheap jewelry
5. anything neon

5 TV shows I like
1. Real World
2. Friends
3. Law and Order
4. Simpsons
5. Adult Swim

5 Places I Have Lived
1. Falmouth, MA
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Glendale, AZ
4. Freetown, MA
5. Amherst, MA

My 5 Biggest Worries at the Moment
1. Where I am going to live next year
2. Paying for next year
3. Money woes in general
4. My car being vandalized again
5. Finding a job this summer

My 5 Biggest Joys at the Moment
1. Jim
2. graduating in 40 some odd days
3. knowing I will become a teacher in a little more than a year
4. thinking about marrying Jim :)
5. having a car

Before - After

said Jenn on April 06, 2002 at 8:22 p.m.