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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


Monday Mission

Ah, time for the Monday Mission...I can't believe it's Monday already. Some people wonder why I like to do these things. Well, for one thing, it helps me remember what day it is! Sad but true. But also, sometimes they prompt me to think about things I don't normally think about. So yeah, without further ado...

1. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on a date? Interesting. I think it's kinda embarrassing that I really have not been out on many dates. I usually just have a boyfriend, and we will do stuff, but I don't think of it as a real date. Dates are like the pre-bf stage. So, when I look back at my pitiful dating record, I guess the worst of it was when I went out with this guy my frosh year and he decided it would be a good idea to just order for the both of us, and he ordered sushi, and I felt bad if I did not at least try it. So yeah, I hated it, and had to spit it into a napkin. I could not bring myself to swallow it. Not very ladylike, I'll tell you.

2. Do you eat your veggies? Yes sir, I'm eating some carrots right now. Although, I am pretty picky with my veggies. I either really like a particular veggie or I really hate it.

3. Most people are comfortable going to the bathroom in front of at least one person. Has anyone ever used the restroom in front of you that you wish wouldn't have? What happened and how bad was it? Um, no, can't say that has every happened to me. (Thank god.)

4. Have you ever had a bad online transaction? You know, the item wasn't what you thought it would be, you got totally ripped-off, no refunds, it just plain sucked? What's the story there? Well, I bought this peach Ann Taylor dress, and you know what? If I wasn't on this big, trying to be more girly kick, I would be really pissed because it's not all that great. But I guess it will come in handy this year when I am teaching because previously my wardrobe was pretty much t shirts, jeans, and jogging pants. Not exactly classroom material.

5. Ever have a current love find any old love letters (or similar item) you kept that probably should have been thrown away? How did that turn out? I don't know if Jim has found any of the old love letters I have received. I hope not. But if he did, he did. I know that when we were first dating he found and read all sorts of old stories I had written about previous bfs.I can't bear to throw anything away, as much as it may make even me cringe, nevermind him. The letters and stuff are history, my history. Keeping them does not mean I wish I had that part of my life back. As far as stories I have written, I like to see how I have grown (if at all) as a writer. I try to keep everything I have written.

6. A secretary at work was telling me about a trip she took to Mardi Gras. She showed off her beaded necklaces and proudly said she "earned' each and every one of them (for those not familiar with this tradition, ladies walking up Burbon St. in New Orleans will flash people who are upon the balconies, in return the guys will throw them worthless plastic necklaces). I was shocked, I had no idea this quiet gal had a wild side. Was there ever a time when you did something totally outrageous because you knew no one would know who you were, or maybe didn't care even if they did? The only out of character thing I did (and I KNOW I have talked about it a lot, sorry) was the weekend Jim and I got together. I was very brazen, very forward, and I had never acted like that before. I can recall him standing in his doorway, and I wanted so desperately to get inside his room that I made some really suggestive comment about why he should let me in his room. As soon as it came out of my mouth, the normal me shouted inside "Slut! I cannot believe you said that." I guess it just boiled down to really being attracted to someone, and not really knowing what to do about it. Then at one point that weekend (since he did eventually let me in) I don't remember what happened right before or exactly why I did this, but I do know that I started taking off most of my clothes. Again, definitely not something I normally do. But I felt like all bets were off. Anything I would normally do hadn't seemed to get me anywhere...and...I don't know. At least it turned out alright, right?

Before - After

said Jenn on September 02, 2002 at 2:59 p.m.