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friendly conversation

It's Thursday night, and here is my plan. I want to get myself a little bowl of my chocolate cookie dough ice cream, watch Friends and plan what the hell I am going to do. I have done almost all the "home" work I can do. I don't feel like cruising to the library tonight to pick up some books. Of course, this means not doing an assignment that is due tomorrow, but my professor said deadlines are flexible....thank GOD. I am almost done with all the reading for next week. But again, I haven't done some of the stuff due tomorrow. Oh well. I have been so whipped into a frenzy about watching the video of my lesson. Everyone talked so much about how they sucked. I don't want to subject myself to that. I know I am not a perfect teacher. Do I really need to watch an hour to drive that point home? I think not. Unfortunately for me, I kinda have to do it whether I want to or not. I have to show two five minute clips to a small group. At least the embarrassment is limited to two other people. Then we can keep it on the DL how much I suck.

Pshaw. My room and car are such disaster areas. I have clothes all over the place. Clothes on my bed that I took out of the dryer this morning. Clothes on my chair. I have like three tuperware containers in my car because they do not fit well in my bag so I take them out when I have a class after I teach. I have like a bazillion reese's peanut butter cup wrappers (a treat I bribed my kids with so they would behave during the videotaping - I ended up with tons leftover which I promptly inhaled) and granola bar wrappers in my cup holder. Yuck. All my cell phone crap is all over too. Box on my desk, charger on my bed, bag on the floor. Notice how I rather sit and type about this mess rather than clean it up, which I PROBABLY could have done during the time I sit and whine about it. Reason number 34932903495 that I am a proud member of the procrastinator ring.

I watched the Bachelor last night. I followed it last season but never actually watched it. Now I am like hooked. He's really ugly though. His eyes are screwed up or something. I can't figure it out but its not cool. I also watched Dawson's Creek and remembered why I don't like watching it and vowed not to watch it anymore. I think I was just drawn in because Joey and Dawson had sex. Now that they are back to being whiny brats I am not interested. I can just look in the mirror and get that, thanks.

Well, I have 20 minutes before Friends starts so I should maybe try to clean up. Ha.

Before - After

said Jenn on October 17, 2002 at 7:28 p.m.