
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


v. vw.

mwa ha ha...

I was sitting here, wallowing in my "this sucks because I have nothing to do I don't want to be this lame on a Friday night" blahness and I saw V online. Sometimes I hesitate to contact her because hanging out with her always seems to involve money. But anyway, I IMd her, she called me, and now she is picking me up in like 20 minutes and we are going to rent a movie. Which is cool. I guess I would rather look back at life and say that I had some semblance of fun. Besides, renting a movie is not going to break my bank. Speaking of money, my credit card bill is like 300....ooops. Of course, 110 of that is my teacher test, which should not count. So okay, 200 on my credit card. Fuuuuuuuuck. How did THAT happen? Well, 84 goes to Ann Taylor Loft. Grrr...some of it goes to gas, and some of it goes to groceries. Some of it goes to Scholastic for all these yummy books I ordered. They were all really good deals though, and I really don't want to start the school year next year with my brothers Bailey School Kids collection...of which is about 6 books. Seriously. If I want my kids to read I need to have a good library. The good thing is I finally got a paycheck from UMass. It still amazes me that I can be in a school and be paid 12 an hour. I get up at the time I would be driving to my student teaching gig, it takes me a 3 minute drive. I get there at 9 and I help them with their spelling. Then we do some math. Then we have snack, which is provided by the teacher. This week was pretzels - yum! Then we read. I pick some kid that is reading a good book and s/he reads to me. Then it's time for them to go to specials, straight from there they go to lunch, and right after that recess. So they are gone for two hours straight. I do some reading for class or read a kid's book if it looks interesting. Then we come back and have a read aloud, do some science, and it's time to go. Wow. I would do that for free. But no, I get paid 72 for that.

I am not going to complain, of course.

I talked to the student loan office today. Unfortunately, the program was revamped, so if I work for five years in a low income school I get 5000 off my loan payments. Not bad since I have a 12000 loan. *shrug* Almost half. So, my new plan is to try to get 7000 paid off in 5 years. That would seriously reduce my interest and then I would be eligible for the loan forgiveness. With this in mind I feel very confident about using my excess money from my loans for a new car and to start investing. It still kinda bugs me to not know whether Jim really wants me to move to Virginia or more importantly, to move in with him. Because if he doesn't I should save a little more than I currently have planned to go towards rent and stuff. Grrr. Sometimes I wish he could understand.

Anyway, I am so excited. I am going to start looking at cars in December. This way I can see if I want to lease a brand new car (which I am leaning towards now) or just go for a used car. I just think given my comfort level with cars I should lean towards leasing. It's pretty cheap and you don't have to worry about interest rates and such. Plus I really don't drive long distances and such so I wouldn't rack up tons o' miles.

Crap, she's on her way. Ciao.

Before - After

said Jenn on October 18, 2002 at 9:52 p.m.