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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


fuckity fuck

Listening to: Touch of Gray

Thanks to everyone who sent such encouraging messages. I guess you are right, I might feel better if I write about it, get it out of my head. Kind of like that thing Professor Dumbledore had in one of those Harry Potter books - was it 4? Anyway. Those would be very useful actually.

Well, basically, I am have a lot of financial trouble right now. My health is kind of shot, I went to the hospital while I was in DC, and I still have a while before things can turn around. The unfortunate thing is that I went to the hospital, and had a follow up doctor's visit back in MA, and THEN I found out my insurance had expired on the 31st. Fuuuuuuuuuck. So now those bills are my responsibility, and believe me, I am not happy. So, I signed up for insurance with the school, but it does not start until Feb 1st. So, now all my appointments and such need to wait for another two weeks, but at least I have one of my prescriptions, which, of course, I had to foot the bill for.

PLUS, as if that does not suck enough, my car broke down on the way back from Providence. I had stopped at the store to pick up some milk, bread, odds and ends, since all I have in my cupboards was one package of ramen, and 4 boxes of cereal from my nana. I went to try to start my car and nothing happened. Two tows later, and a week of my car being in the shop, they figured out my shifter is shot, as well as my rear brakes. Fuuuuuuuuuck. Again. Maybe I should just stay bent over so the world can continue fucking me in the ass? I don't know. The thing that pisses me off about THIS is that I had signed up for this extended warranty bullshit, and it costs me like 50 a month. But you know what it covers for my repair bills? The bill is 590. It covers 40 of that. FORTY! What the hell kind of bull shit is that. I really think I am just going to cancel, because that's BS. I pay 50 a month, to have it cover 40? It's been 10 months that I have paying into this, so that's 500, which is almost my repair bill. Damn, I tell you, hindsight is definitely 20/20.

So yeah. That's where I am at. Plus, with my new class/practicum schedule I really don't have time to work. My prac is 5 days a week, I have two classes once a week, Monday and Wednesdays. Plus, I need to start preparing my resume and portfolio.

So it is official, life sucks. If this wasn't a year long program, if I wasn't at the half way point (actually I am probably further than that) I think I would have given up. But here I am, with 166 days until this is over, and you can be damn sure I am counting down the days.

The silver lining to this massive cloud is that I finally started my seller's account at Ebay, for some things I could not list at Amazon, or I listed three things, and one sold using buy it now, which was nice, and the other two have bids. Please feel free to check it out, because it would really really help. Basically it is a bunch of teaching books, a Jessica Riddle CD, a cell phone, etc. It would definitely help me to dig myself out of this crater. Thanks.

Before - After

said Jenn on January 12, 2003 at 1:19 p.m.