
About Me
my ebay listings


July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


net or not to net

Dear idiot ebay person,

Thank you for FINALLY paying me. If I send out your item they way you pay me, you may get it by Christmas. Heh heh.


Seriously, I emailed this person constantly. I said in my auction please pay within 5 days or contact me. Do I hear from him? Noooooooooo. He finally pays me after like 8 days. Grrrr..I am so glad this is my last item. I feel like ebay can be very hit or miss.

Now all I have left are like 8 items, two cds, a single, a PC game, and four really awesome books. Go check it out. Prices are kinda negotiable.

Orrrrrrrr, if you don't want to pay for the stuff, you can always offer a trade. I like stationery, children's books, stickers...*grin* Think of what would be cool in a classroom and I would be open to trading for that. :)

I have been thinking about this whole internet void thing. Man, I don't know if I can do it. First of all, I get like tons of emails from my advisor. Secondly, every time I am working on a major assignment I almost always end up chatting with B., one of the girls in my program. *sigh*

So I looked into getting broadband. I had that in my last apartment. Actually, it's a pretty good deal. It would be 19.95 for Feb, Mar, and Apr. Then May would be 42.95. So, here is my plan. The offer expires 2/9. I am shutting off my DSL on 1/31. Therefore, that gives me like a week to be sans internet and see how it goes. Either I will be fine, and it's not going to be an issue, or I will go crazy and sign up by the end of that week. See, it's not even the money so much at this point, because you figure with a deal like that, it's cheaper than dial up. Plus, I only have a cell now, so I can't DO dial up. And ps, my cell is cheaper than phone service, I already thought about that. My concern is that I am going to spend so much time online that I won't get shit done.

For instance, clothes. I have my laundry sitting in a basket, and it has been sitting there for like two days. Granted, I am slothlike slow when it comes to laundry. I hate hate hate doing laundry. However, if I wasn't sitting online playing slots perhaps I might just get it done. Or clean my desk. Or clean off my vanity which is littered with crap.

Hey, can anyone convince me to throw away my eyeshadow that is like two years old. Cause, like, I know I should. Yet I cannot bring myself to.

Well, I need to get going. Ciao.

Before - After

said Jenn on January 26, 2003 at 2:55 p.m.