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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


top o' the morning

I must say first off, that I can't believe that someone is playing music loud enough to shake my room. My room is in the back of the apartment...I rarely hear the cheeseheads who like to party. But now, at 11:40 in the morning I do. I am just glad they did not wake me...that would have merited a phone call to the police.

*few minutes later* I am shocked. It is not the normal two cheeseheads who like to play music at all hours of the night. It is, in fact coming from the apartment behind me. Which explains why I hear it in my bedroom. Despite a few earnest bangs on our common wall, it still persists. If I get a headache I will definitely call the cops.

Enough of that. I am a bad girl. At least my mother would think so. ;) My crime? I opened another box of cereal. There was a great deal at Stop and Shop...two boxes of Post cereal for $3. So I got a Waffle Crisp and Raisin Bran. So I have been eating Honey Nut Cheerios for what seems like forever. This morning I decided to take a break. So *gasp* I opened the Waffle Crisp. It tastes sooooo good. I was just so sick of HNC.

Well, all I have done is sleep between this entry and the last, so alas, I have nothing exciting to report. I am however, as promised, going to finish my book.

So I am off to do so, ttyl.

Listening to: the sounds of excessive bass

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-06-17 at 11:39 a.m.