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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


"Real" World?

Okay, so I am in a MTV mood. I watched the Real World (more about that later) and then I watched the AP2 trailer thing. Now I am on the MTV site listening to MTV radio, which is suprising good. It is as if they are trying to make up for playing like no music on the channel.

So back to the Real World. I am pretty bummed that they picked Coral instead of Ellen for the RW. I knew they would not put both of them on RW...but I really do not like Coral. In fact, after the first episode I really hate her. She is just so bitchy. Yuck. Oh well. It looks really interesting. I was looking at some pics on the MTV site of the cast and Rachel looks so good in her pics...I don't know if it was just for the pics or if she changes her look during the show, but it's cool.

Ok, and I am really bugged by Nicole's eyebrows, or lack there of. It is kinda creepy.

My whole plan of getting up early and getting my sweat on did not work. The alarm went off and I could not pull myself out of bed. I hit snooze and went back to bed. It's too bad because I planned on going into work early....I wish I had!

I got there, and the Selma Blair twin whispered to me that I missed this great fight. One of the clerks got into a big fight with the woman I had been working know, the one with the huge eyebrows that looked like they belonged on a cat....hmmm, did I not mention that? Oh well. Yeah, she is scary. Anyway, I guess the clerk called her a bitch and then she started flipping out. Which is too bad because then I was supposed to work with her that day. She was too flustered so I went to work with the other clerk

Ugh......she's nice and everything but she gives way too much info in her directions so inevitably I go back and ask a million questions. But then she started treating me like I was 5. I was ready to go home. I seriously thought of just going home early and just making up the time on another day. She had some filing so she was all like, show me where this one would go. Ok, now where would this one go? She just watched me do the whole thing. Geez. I am not a moron, but on the same token, don't expect me to pick up really hard tasks all at once.

But it worked out in the end and she ended up letting me go home 15 minutes early with pay. Yipppeeee! I was even able to catch the bus.

*frown* The "radio" is playing "Gone Til November" I miss Jim. It looks like for us it will be "Gone til September" I promised I would visit him for my birthday. Well I wish it were sooner!!! I was checking out prices on Expedia. There was this one flight for $135

Ok explain this to me. The flight for $135 was straight from where I am to where he is. There were ones as expensive as $400 and they were making connections. Why would you pay more to go all over the globe? "Yes, travel agent, book me the flight that costs 3 times the cheapest flight and make it one that takes 4 times as long to get there." How dumb!

Holly is online!!! Yay. I miss Holly. If you do not know who Holly is, you should check out my cast list.

I really like this MTV radio. If you dont like the song you can skip it. Every so often it has a quick 10 second commercial, but that's not bad. And you can choose from all sorts of channels. Rock on!

I have to admit, those Real World people are brave. I mean think about. Here I am, sharing my life with the world, but I choose what I want to share. If there is something embarrassing or something, I do not have to share it. They don't have that kind of privacy and discretion.

Back to Holly. I forgot what rant I was going to go on, so I will share a little on my dear friend. Awwww, Holly said "Bite me" She is mad that I am not coming home to visit her. =( So who is Holly you ask? Well, I did not really go into too much detail about her in my cast list. Well I met Holly when I moved here from AZ. It was 8th grade and she actually hated me. =( Okay, maybe hate is a strong word....but when you are 13 everything feels so extreme. We got to know each other in high school because we had English class together.

Gosh English was so much fun only because of Holly. Our sophomore year we had this raging drunk for a teacher. She was so bizarre. We would sit in the back and giggle. It was so funny. Around her I would feel so confident. Like most hs classes seating was in ABC order, so we were not SUPPOSED to sit together but I sat behind her anyway. The teacher might have been too drunk to notice, I guess. We would have so much fun making fun of everything....We have this big mural in our high school and a picture in it was of our library, and the U in public looked like a V so we had this whole joke where we would go around and say, "PVBLIC" in funny voices.

Our freshman year we had this teacher who would say, Ok, alright" like a hundred times. One day in class we were so bored we counted the number of times he said it. It was 121 times. And the class was only for 45 minutes. It was awful. But he was really cool. When he gave tests he would give you the answers.

Awesome! "Wonderwall" is on. I love that song.

Sorry for being so random. I don't listen to the radio much anymore, so I usually am not so excited about music. Music is more fun when it is spontaneous.

Ok this is weird. Now they are playing "In My Life" by the Beatles. Why is this weird? Well besides really liking this song, this song played at graduation like either my freshman or sophomore year. Holly and I were there to help out and they played it on repeat for at least an hour. As soon as I got a computer of my own I downloaded the mp3. Gosh...this is really a trip down memory lane.

I wonder if I should give my URL to Holly. She asked if she could have it. Now, I know I gave the URL to Jim, but he was so far away and I thought it would be a neat way for him to know how I am doing. Now, it's not like I am badmouthing Holly here or anything, so I don't have anything to hide...

But I feel kinda weird. So if there is anyone out there with an opinion on this, let me know. Should I give her the address?

Listening to: "Iris" Goo Goo Dolls

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-03 at 11:49 p.m.