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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


chocolate gummy bears

Chocolate covered gummy bears make a great breakfast.

I remember the first time V tried them. She loved them. Now every time we go to the mall she gets them.

Well yesterday she got a buttload of them, ate a few and then gave the rest to me. She's such a sweetie.

For someone who does not like girls much, she has been such a great friend.

She's made the summer so much fun.

We have decided to throw a summer soiree of sorts. It's going to be great. I like throwing parties, but it can be an expensive endeavor. But since most people are living at their parents or, like V, in the dorms, we have decided that our friends would just be happy for a chance to party, so we are not going all out. We are going to exploit my cute little blender that I got for Christmas that has been used only once (what a travesty!)

Mmmmmmmm.......I can taste the pina coladas now.

I finally got off my lazy arse and glued together the piece of my futon that I am quite convinced that Jim broke. I did not manage to glue myself to anything, so I consider the mission to be a success.

Ack! MTV is playing "Toy Soldiers" by Martika. What a blast from the past. I remember being in grade school and listening to her tape. Yes I owned the tape, but I was about 9, give me a break. Scary. It's times like this that I feel kinda old. Of course, I never felt old til I joined Diaryland. The average age seems to be about 16-17, which is okay, I am not knocking anyone for their age. But just that slight difference in age changes so much. Things that I can remember from grade school they would have NO recollection of. Sigh. It's odd seeing DOBs like 1985. I remember when I started high school, and you had to write down your name, address, and DOB for your homeroom teacher. Our teacher made a big deal about how the DOBs were 1980. Since he was about a million years old, he thought it was so weird. I guess I look at DOBs since I have younger brothers. I see 1985s in high school, and I realize that I have a 1989 living at home. And I don't want my brother in high school. It's too scary. I highly doubt that anyone can graduate without at least minor scars.

Wow, sorry to rant so much.

I must mention though, that I feel very good today because I got some nice mail from y'all out there. Sometimes when it gets a little too quiet I wonder if people are really reading. But I got some interesting comments. Sorry that I had to resort to gushing about baby Bush, but drastic times call for drastic measures. I promise not to do that unless it is an emergency. ;) Andrea has never listened to MTV radio, and to that Jenn says "Well why not? If you have a high speed connection it is quite delightful.."Ronni knows what I'm talking 'bout. I also got mail from Dana the flaming liberal I'm sorry but when I read that, I was a little nervous. What is it about "liberals" and fire? First of all, I never see conservatives set the flag on fire, (another topic for another day) and we actually had a college student in our area quite a few years ago, who set himself on fire to protest the gulf war. Yikes.

See, now that I said that I don't know what else I could possibly say. That's just something where you just have to end the conversation. So, my friends, I must bid you adieu.

Listening to: Linkin Park "Crawling"

PS I am always open to new music. A few of y'all have commented on the songs I listen to. If you can think of a really good song I might like, send it my way. You know how to get in touch with me!

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-08 at 1:02 p.m.