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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
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June 29, 2006
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June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


brain spew

Ah, Sunday morning. I always wonder on Sunday mornings where the hell my weekend just went. It's such a beautiful day that I am just going to enjoy as much of it as I can. It's about 69 degrees according to my weatherbug. I woke up and my room was roasting, odd since the heat has been turned off. I looked at the thermostat and it said 80. So I opened the windows. How weird though.

So here I sit, sporting the my funky ass Portuguese flair with clothing. A red and white striped tank top and purple shorts. Of course, my excuse is that its really comfy...of course I am sure that is what the little old ladies where my parents live say too. :)

That is how I always know I am in my parents city. The buses are painted like red and orange or something hideous like that. Up here its a nice white and blue, pretty classy, but you can't have that where my parents live, hell no.

I stayed up really late last night talking to Beaker and Bunson. It was pretty cool because I do not do it that often, so I am not so bummed about missing a lot of my beauty sleep. We were joking around because I think I convinced Bunson he should ask out this girl. He's kinda scared though, since he has never asked out a girl before. I think its all the more reason to, am I wrong?

Jim is coming home tonight. I missed him, but it was a different kind of missing him, since I knew he would be home so much sooner. When I woke up this morning my first thought was how he was coming back tonight. He wonders if I could handle living in VA what with him having to travel for his job, but I think it's alright. I just hate the distance now because when I see him it is a visit, so it makes everything so weird. We always go out to eat, and there seems to be this pressure like every moment has to be this special magical moment. Sometimes I would rather just sit on the couch and watch Adult Swim with him, rather than go out and date and stuff. That's what it feels like, it feels like we are dating and I hate that because I thought we were passed that. At least if we were living together in VA things would be normal while he was home and then we would just have to deal with him being away for a week or two each month. Not so bad. Of course, if I was looking at it from the perspective of seeing him every day I would probably hate it, but I see it as a step up at this point. :)

I was sitting at work, reading my classroom management book and looking through the Mailbox for lesson ideas, and it hit me..I'm going to be in a classroom in 5 months! I could not help but get really excited and then sit and think, "holy shit." It's kinda weird. I have been in classrooms for years now, but it has always been as "Jenn." Even when I subbed they called me Jenn. No one has ever called me Miss ****. It's so weird to think of myself as really being a teacher. It is something I want so badly, something I think about a lot each day. That is why I have a bookcase full of education books and a wish list full of more that I would like to get.

Well, that's enough brain spew for right now. I think I need to get ready for work. :(

Before - After

said Jenn on April 14, 2002 at 12:45 p.m.