
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


This Or That Tuesday

This or That Tuesday :: Damn, it's only Tuesday!

Is your mouse pad plain or decorated? It's plain but it has those comfy wrist things. Of course, maybe my mouse pad might be of more use if it was not on the floor...just a thought.

Do you own a web cam? No..I used to wish for one though!

Which do you use more often online: email or search? Email. My email is ALWAYS open. I have like three really active accounts, so I always have one open. I like to get my email as it arrives.

Do you use HTML coding, WYSIWYG editor, or something else to create your web pages? I use Dreamweaver. It is heavenly.

Do you forward chain emails? Not usually. I really do not like them.

Do you forward those mushy stories that take 20 minutes to read? If I think it is good, sure! Sometimes I even post them here. I like stories that are sweet and/or make you think.

How large is your monitor: 14", larger, or smaller? Um. Probably 14" seems pretty small.

Do you have a mouse with a scroller, one with two buttons, one with three? Two buttons and a scroller, which is supposed to glow when I get email, but ended up glowing all the time. I can't stand mice without scrolls now.

Do you listen to music while surfing the web? Hell yeah! My winamp is my favorite thing on my computer. If something happened and I could not listen to my mp3s I would cry. Really.

How often do you clear your cookies, or cache? Never. I used to clear them to save space. However, I do not have space concerns anymore, and I like keeping track of Diaryland sites I visit, especially for Diary Reviews.

Before - After

said Jenn on April 23, 2002 at 9:50 p.m.