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Monday Mission - yeah, on Tuesday

Sorry, had I not been super busy (I will post on that in a minute) I would have posted this on time!

Monday Mission 2.16

1. Ever had a love that you still think of as "the one that got away?" What's the story there? I used to think of Alan as the "one that got away." We used to have this love/hate relationship. Okay, so more like he used to vacillate between the two while I remained smitten, but STILL. I finally started to realize that his sudden bursts of wanting to get back together would always coincide with him finding out that either someone liked me or I was dating someone. The final nail in that coffin was also when I realized what love really was when I fell in love with Jim!

2. What was the last book that you finished reading cover-to-cover? Beware, you are now entering Dork City, population 1, but I read Your First Year As An Elementary Teacher this weekend. No, it was not for class, hence the dorkness. But I thought it was really really good.

3. Did you ever get up and walk out of a movie? Which one and why? No I haven't, but sometimes when I go to movies with people and thus have little choice in the movie I feel like I SHOULD. But I feel like I would be wasting 5 bucks to do that. Plus I would have been stranded. :)

4. If we were to go out dancing, what song would you want me to ask the DJ to play as I slipped him a $20? OMG. Definitely "What's Your Fantasy?" by Ludacris, it seems like such a great dancing song (especially when Jim and I go dancing, we can get down and dirty!!) and it has a permanent spot in my winamp.

5. What was the coolest toy you had when you were a kid? My Jem doll. It was a fierce battle to get her, since my Mom thought she was stupid, and once I had her I played with her nonstop.

6. When was the last time you felt lonely? A few minutes ago when I got good news and realized I had nobody to share it with. :(

7. Do you have any minor anal-retentive character traits? I can get really anal about organization and cleanliness. I keep a toothbrush on the bathroom counter so I can clean the "mess" that somehow my housemates never see.

Before - After

said Jenn on April 23, 2002 at 9:37 p.m.