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this or that

Finnnnnnnnally, a new this or that...

1. Regular or electric/battery operated toothbrush? Regular.

2. Shower or bath? Shower. After a few years of dorm living I am scared to take a bath. Yuck.

3. Automatic dishwasher or hand-wash dishes? Hmmm...If it's just myself and I have the time I will handwash. But if there is a lot, I get lazy and turn on the dishwasher.

4. Paying bills: online or write out checks? I usually prefer online since I can NEVER find my stamps. Ever. They hate me. But then if I forget to write on the bill that I paid it I get all freaked out, thinking I did not pay.

5. Laundromat or your own washer/dryer? I wish I had my own. Laundromat for now..

6. Electric or gas stove? When I was living with my parents I thought electric was awesome and that gas would be hideous to deal with. Then I got my first apartment and discovered the joy of gas cooking. I still get nervous when I light a match for my candles, but its all good. When I moved into my new apartment, I was relieved to see it was gas.

7. Subscribe to magazines/newspapers or buy at newsstand? Heh. If I was not a cheapskate, I would subscribe. Since I am el broke-o, I don't do either. Once in a great while I might buy one, but I usually just read them in the check out line. Now that I am across the street from a real library I just read there and check out the old copies. I have the June 2002 Cosmo and I am so psyched, I have not even opened it yet.

8. Alarm or buzzer? In high school I used to go to sleep listening to the radio, odd to think of now, since I am such a light sleeper. But anyway, having the alarm be on music obviously would not work. I am still a buzzer person.

9. Go grocery shopping yourself, or order stuff to be delivered? What? You can get them delivered? I don't live near a large enough city to do that. I guess that would be kinda neat, but I like picking out my own food. The only thing I do not like about buying groceries is if I go when I am hungry, cause then I buy everything that looks good. ;)

10. On workdays...pack a lunch or eat out? Heh. "eat out" to me means eating the school lunch. If its like taco day or something cool, I might buy lunch. Hey, for 2.50 to get a chocolate milk, lunch and dessert is cool. I used to get the salad plate on occasion because it was 2 bucks and you got the salad (obviously), a roll with butter and chocolate milk. Then they hiked the price 50 cents and I felt cheated. Now its cup of ramen for me. Heh.

Before - After

said Jenn on June 12, 2002 at 11:05 p.m.