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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


a whole lotta nothing

I need a drink.

Yeah, so my updates have been shitty at best, and I apologize but sometimes I lack the desire to update and other times I lack the time.

I wrote a list of things to talk about so I don't forget.

1. Gettin' girly
2. Assholes
3. Jim (with many subtopics)
4. Skool
5. Loneliness

So I have a new purse now. My old one was from some time in high school, so it was about time. Except, I am not really a purse person. However, I was tired of going out on Wednesdays and having to hold my keys, ID and credit card. My dresses and skirts don't have pockets, so I feel like a dweeb. But my new purse is pretty cute. It's a Kate Spade Sam, black with a gingham lining (like Sarah's so I feel cool). I already put tons of crap in it, but it's a good thing.

On the whole going girly theme, it's been pretty nice. I have been on a somewhat strict no makeup rule since I am running out of foundation and I think it is only making my face break out more. It's like a vicious cycle though, since wearing the foundation hides the fact that my skin breaks out, but it seems to be causing said breakouts. Gah. I have also decided that lipstick is evil. Evil I tell you. I was always always a lipstick girl. I felt my lips were one of my best features since they are full without looking like I had injections or something so I liked to play them up. Anyway, I have come to realize that lipstick looks like I am trying too hard. I don't want to come off as a hooker or something, and whenever I wear lipstick lately I feel that way. I have experimented with colors with the same result everytime. Oh well. I have also come to realize that my skin tone coupled with the natural tint of my lips works well anyway. So my eventual goal (when my skin clears up) would be eyeshadow and possibly mascara, but only the clear stuff. I could live with that.

So, where was I? Ah, girliness. I have enjoyed wearing skirts and dresses a lot more than I thought I would. The whole shaving every day thing pisses me off though. Especially since I keep cutting myself. I found myself staring at this girl's legs because they (unlike mine) looked very nice. No little cuts or scars and stuff. I was pretty jealous.

Right. The hair thing has been a little harder though. I don't have a hair dryer so if I wash my hair in the morning its harder to do something with it that does not revolve around putting it into a bun. I was reading in Glamour or some other magazine that with my kind of hair I am better off only washing it every other day, but I still feel kinda scrubby doing it. I have been though, and my hair definitely feels softer and seems easier to manage. Definite bonus. Of course, not spending all that time washing it is cool too.

It's come to where I almost don't like wearing jeans. I feel very very scrubby. This could also revolve around wearing jeans that are 6 sizes too big. I can't bring myself to buy a new pair and there are days when I can't help but wear my old ones and I feel really odd about it. I found a really cute pair at American Eagle though. I thought about it long and hard and was very tempted, it being my birthday next week and all. I decided against it though. I think my purse should be my birthday present to myself. That, and Sims Unleashed...which I MUST have. I haven't played Sims in a while but this new expansion pack seems way too good to pass up. I think I am getting it on Monday when it comes out.

On to topic number two: assholes. Remember how I said a while back that I felt like my program was like being on the real world? Well, yeah. It is. Nobody walks around naked and nobody has slept with anybody (yet) but I still feel that the analogy fits. For instance, you know how in the beginning everyone is all lovey dovey and cannot imagine having the drama that is inevitable? Well, we all started off like that. Now things have become all cliquey and I hate it. Hate it! Some people apparently feel they are too good to associate with others. Jerks. I talked to some other people about it and they noticed the same thing. And, I tried to be good, not start any unnecessary drama, so I did not mention names, but other people did, and they mentioned the same people.'s not just me being paranoid. Whew. It's sad to see that it has started already though.

Before - After

said Jenn on September 20, 2002 at 9:14 p.m.