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July 01, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


Sunday blues

It's hot and I feel kinda cranky.

However, I did get a lot of work done so far and it's only 4 PM. Yippee for me. I did all my seminar reading, all the math reading I can do (one of my books is STILL being shipped...damn media mail being slow as all hell), and I did part of my reading reading and then I realized that I don't have that class this week so it's not as big a deal afterall.

I have to sub tomorrow and then we are going on a field trip on Wednesday so I feel kinda stressed about stuff that is due. I need to observe my teacher giving a lesson and write up a lesson plan based on that, and it's like, ummmm...I only have one day to do it. Grrrr...

Then I have my informal observation on Tuesday, plus I have to cover for my teacher for an hour while she attends a meeting for my program. Basically I should start conversing with my teacher telepathically, because we will not have time to talk. Period. I have to write up my goals for my "threeway" - don't get too excited, it's my meeting that involves me, my teacher, and my resource person. I think my resource person thinks I am crazy. Maybe she is right.

I also have to pick a journal entry (not from this journal, my student teacher journal) to share at class. Um, yeah. Cause I want people to think I am MORE crazy, right? Basically I have only written two so far and it's just me whining about how this or that is not going well.

I have been very whiny lately. I need to nip that in the bud right now.

Before - After

said Jenn on September 22, 2002 at 3:54 p.m.