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July 01, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


time flies

...when you are having fun?

I had imagined that Jim and I would be getting married next April on our anniversary. I had been thinking that for like a year and a half. In fact, when my friend told me about The Knot I entered the date as April 4th, 2003. So when I went there tonight to help my friend Kim plan her wedding and honeymoon the page popped up as:

Welcome Jennifer & James. Your wedding date is April 04, 2003 -- 194 days to go

Very sad. The only neat thing to come out of the whole thing is that she had never thought she was getting married (truth be told, neither did I) so she really had no idea what she wanted to do. She asked me for ideas for a honeymoon and she decided she did not want to do Hawaii or Europe. She asked me what I was hoping to do, so I steered her towards those all-inclusive resorts like Sandals and Couples. She ended up finding a really good deal at Sandals, so I think that's where they are going. Good luck to them.

If this happened a few months ago, I don't think I would have been able to deal with this well. Thankfully things have progressed nicely with me and Jim and I feel like I am in a pretty secure place. Yeah, I know, it took me long enough.

Of course, when Jim and I saw each other on Thursday a girl's phone number or address (I don't remember) fell out of his pocket or something. I wasn't so focused on the details, but was checking out the name. The name rang a bell, but I could not remember why. I pushed it to the back of my mind and then suddenly when I was eating lunch today it came to me - he went to high school with her, and I think one of his friends had mentioned that he dated her or liked her or something. Also, she like randomly called him when we were living together.

To say my antennae are up is an understatement. I'm going to try not to focus on it right now, since he's going to be here in a few days and I am sure (and I hope) that its nothing. But yeah, it kinda bothers me. Drat.

Before - After

said Jenn on September 22, 2002 at 12:49 a.m.