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ring a ling

So for a while I have been thinking about replacing my current rings. I wear two rings, a claddagh ring on my left, a Christmas gift seven years ago from my first serious boyfriend. In the middle it has his birthstone so I cannot really enjoy the ring as I could if it didn't. When I look at it, it reminds me of him...which wasn't so bad before I met Jim. Even though its been years since we broke up, I still loved him long after. It wasn't until I met Jim that the feelings faded away.

On the right I have a sapphire ring, it's not that pretty, and another ex gave it to me. I had really wanted a sapphire ring and got it for Valentines.

So why do I keep wearing these rings? Habit, mostly. I also do not want naked fingers. I figured for a while that soon I would have a sparkly new ring, but I don't think that will happen until the next Haley's comet so I decided to do something about it myself.

I found two nice rings. However, I don't want to get both because I don't want to fall in love with both of them and then eventually have to take one off since maybe one day I will get my diamond ring.

So the first ring is another claddagh, it's silver, and the heart is a beautiful garnet.

Then I found a sapphire band ring. It has 5 sapphires around the band and its beautiful. I am worried that it may be a little big for my hand. I have a small hand, with short, kinda stubby fingers. :(

Those eternity rings are really catching my eyes too and I'm really torn about getting one of those. Heh. Such problems I have, which ring should I purchase? Lol. I'm such a brat.

Before - After

said Jenn on December 05, 2002 at 4:48 p.m.