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flashback: Dec 26

I went with my brothers to see Harry Potter 2. I already viewed this flick, as it was my treat for taking the hellish teacher certification tests. Interestingly enough, today is the day they are mailing the results...grrrr..I won't see them until I go back to Amherst, so I should just try to forget about it.

Mom was cool, she gave me some cash so I could treat the kiddies. We even had enough to get the huge bucket of popcorn, a definite must with two growing boys. I can't believe one of my brothers is a teenager. It makes me sad, and yet it also reminds me of where I was at that particular point in my life. At this point, we had already moved back to MA, and I was very happy at my new school. I had a new best friend, and a new boyfriend and things could not get any better. hahahahah...if only I had known what I know now: my "best friend" was soon to snag my boy and that really hurt. Oh well.

My parents got into another one of their big fights. My father had been drinking and acting like a jerk, nothing out of the ordinary. Mom said, as usual, that she was going to leave...she never will though. Sometimes I think she should. I just sat there, watching TV while also playing some stupid Yu Gi fucking Oh game with my brothers. I hate that show. Such a rip off. Isn't the same thing as Pokemon?? Anyway, dad made some sort of inane comment about how I wasn't even paying attention to them. I got really mad. So I zinged him with some comment about how I spend more time with them than he does (true)...give me a dick and I would be in a better position than he would to win father of the year. Dirtbag. Being a parent is a lot more than buying toys for christmas or birthdays.

Too disgusted to write any more.

Before - After

said Jenn on December 26, 2002 at 5:28 p.m.