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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


how does it feel?

Listening to: Untitled - D'Angelo

Wow, thanks for all the inspiring words! It really meant a lot to me to hear from so many people about my entry this morning.

And yeah, I am still kind of peeved about it, even though Lissy got in touch with me and said she had not read it. I guess I just don't feel it's appropriate to ask people questions about how often the masturbate or about their sexual experiences. It's one thing if you know that's what you are doing, but to be duped into sharing that...

Whatever. Back to the interesting responses I had from people. It's true, a diary would be a good place to be open, share what is going on. However, I would like to take this opportunity to remind people who have not been reading since "back in the day" that originally this diary was an outlet for communicating with Jim. Obviously it has turned into a lot more than that, but he does know where this is. And while over the months he has not read as frequently, he reads it nonetheless.

Now, I am a 22 year old (I want to say girl) woman. I don't think it would shock anyone to know that I have sex. Obviously I think about sex. I don't think those are the kind of things Jim would want to be reading about on the internet though. As private as I can be (and on some level I would prefer to keep my bedroom life private) he is even more private, and I am going to respect that.

I toyed with the idea of having a private diary, and currently have one (send me a message, not a note if you want to know where). I had a spattering of interest in it. It's kind of cool, because d-x has some features that dland does not. One that I love is the protected entries. I love that gold people have private entries, but nobody knows. I find that somewhat pointless. At least on d-x there is a password entry prompt for private entries. Plus dx offers many things for free, and their version of gold is cheaper. Who knows, maybe one day I will make the move.

So, as issues came up between me and Jim, and I wanted to vent, I headed over there. But I am starting to feel like that's not fair. If there is a problem, Jim should hear it. (Of course, part of the problem is that he doesn't always want to talk about problems, but whatever) Running off to vent off about it may not be the most helpful thing.

Before - After

said Jenn on April 02, 2003 at 7:53 p.m.