
About Me
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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


A-Z me

You can tell that my procrastination has reached an all time high...

A-Z, all about me!

Act your age? Hmph. Not usually. I sometimes feel like an old lady, but with the kidlets I sometimes act their age. ;) With my brothers I definitely regress a few years.

Born on what day of the week? Thursday

Chore you hate? I hate taking out the trash. It's heavy and stinky. No fun.

Dad�s name? Which one? Biological - Hector.

Essential make-up? Clinique lipstick or gloss.

Favorite band? Stone Temple Pilots

Gold or silver? White gold

Hometown? I was born on the cape.

Instruments you play? none. I have no musical talent, outside of singing in the car.

Job title? currently - student; in five months - elementary teacher (woo hoo)

Kids? Does Jim count? I guess not. Of course, my 21 kids are a handful.

Living arrangements? Currently living in a house with a retired teacher. In 40 days - Virginia!

Mom�s name? Debbie

Number of people you�ve slept with? Less than the fingers I have on one hand.

Overnight hospital stays? I had my tonsils out when I was like 5 or 6.

Phobia? Fear of heights...that I would fall and get hurt. Lame, I know.

Quote you like? "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." or something to that effect.

Religious affiliation? Um, I was baptized Catholic, but I don't go to church.

Siblings? two half brothers from my mom, one half brother from my dad.

Time you wake up? about 6:15

Unique habit? I still play with my hair. Twirling isn't quite the word, but that's what my mom calls it.

Vegetable you refuse to eat? Beets. UGH

Worst habit? biting my nails.

X-rays you�ve had? I had one when my doctor thought I had pneumonia. I think that's the only one. I have had an ultrasound before, and that was really weird.

Yummy food you make? I can make a killer potato salad.

Zodiac sign? Libra

Before - After

said Jenn on April 26, 2003 at 12:54 p.m.