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up in the air

Listening to: Monica - So Gone

So, I have been hiding out. I admit it. Rather than sit here and talk about what is on my mind, I have been hiding behind memes. *sigh*

I haven't accepted the offer with Baltimore yet. I am afraid to. What if something "better" comes along? It's not even so much about living with Jim anymore. There are perks to living solo, and it might be an interesting experiment. An experiment that could be a dismal failure, but there is no harm in trying...I guess.

I had my last meeting with my resource person today. Graduating did not quite feel like the end. Now that I have had my last three way, and I have 6 days of school left (including tomorrow's field trip)

I decided not to do this whole two year in perspective thing. I mean, I am already thinking about it, this time of year just lends itself to it. This is the third May that I have been writing here, and I think what is kinda scary about this May is that its somewhat unknown. I don't know where I am going to live, I don't know exactly where I am going to teach. Maybe for someone like me, who plans everything out, it's a good thing.

One thing I mentioned to Jim was that five years ago, about this time I was hemming and hawing over what college to attend. I was not very enthusiastic about coming to UMass. I wanted to try to make it work with Dickinson College, which was higher up on my choice chain. Now I look back, and I am glad I made the decision I did, which was based purely on financial aspects (which after grad school I am SO glad) So maybe in three years I will look back on my decision and be happy. There are a lot of reasons to go to Baltimore, and no really good reason to hold out. The worst thing that could happen is that I won't end up with a job. Definitely a con in my book.

Maybe my mind is already made up and I just want to vocalize it?

Before - After

said Jenn on May 29, 2003 at 3:33 p.m.