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we survived Boston..or did Boston survive us?

I survived the Boston trip. Our grade (maybe it is a school thing?) seems to have this sick hazing thing where they make interns sit in the back of the bus, whereas they sit more towards the front. Now, as much as one can hope it would be the cute pig-tailed girls sitting in the back, I don't think anyone would actually expect that.

"J. is that a sandwich that just flew threw the air?"
"M., if that was a spit ball...."
"E., sit down."
"M. stop making gestures to make the truck driver to pull his horn. It distracts the bus driver."
"E. if I have to ask you a second time to sit down, you will sit with me."

Heh. My mentor always comments on how I am so calm and even with the kids. Now, our kids I could deal with. It was other teacher's kids (isn't that always the way??) that were really testing my patience. Finally I dropped the P bomb: I walked to the last row of seats, the worst offenders, and calmly said, "You know what's great about this trip? When we get back to school your parents will be there, and I can easily tell them all about your behavior on the bus. So...stop throwing stuff, sit down, and keep it down."

I swear one kid didn't even move after that. He just sat down, huddled against the window and stared out of it the rest of the way.

Aside from the bus ride, the trip was great. We have a little girl in our class who is so quiet. Being a quiet person myself I seek her out, part as a challenge, and part knowing that if I break through it will be so marvelous. Well, this is the second field trip that she has been in my group and we had so much fun. Mind you, this is a girl who doesn't smile and I had her in constant giggles on the walk back to the subway. I'm not even sure how it happened exactly. All I know is after we left the Paul Revere house we were walking on the Freedom Trail. We saw a store that was selling "Freedom Wear" and we starting joking around about freedom wear. I pondered aloud what would be the opposite of freedom wear, and I think she replied underwear. She proceeded to crack up. oooookay. I'll go with that. So then she was asking kids if they wear freedom wear, and whatever their response she would crack up. So I would crack up. The poor boy in my group was so confused. I just passed it off as a girl thing. :)

Before - After

said Jenn on May 31, 2003 at 9:39 a.m.