
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


my lifeline

Ah, the heat is killing me. Naturally, this week we discovered the AC was broken. *sigh* I think I lost like 6 pounds sweating to death every night. But enough bitching. Things have been pretty good. I've been doing the whole housewife thing, and I must say, more power to y'all that do it, because it's driving me nuts-o! I cleaned the house, organized my school stuff, finished the last of my applications and I am really wondering what I am going to do with myself for the next two weeks.

Did I mention how this not-having-internet thing is KILLING me? Actually, all I really miss is updating, and reading about my friends. I have not been able to read anyone's journal, since I am updating from Jim's work computer. He is already nervous about me updating, so I don't want to rock the boat.

Anyway, the move went super well. Got the car all packed up, went down to Bradley for the last time to get Jim and we were off. I was dead tired, and we stopped in NY to switch. I feel very badly about this, but we never switched back....I faded in and out of consciousness from PA on. I think the longest I was awake was when we stopped in PA to hit the restrooms and grab a snack.

I think next week, since I really don't have anything left to do at Jim's AND I am going crazy, I am going to hit the museum circuit. Never really fun when you are solo, but it beats Baby Story re-runs. (shudder) Makes me NEVER want to give birth, I tell ya. Also, I am trying to get up the guts to give my gal Jenn a buzz. Yeah, label me a dumbass, but I am actually kind of nervous about it. I mean, gee whiz, I have been hooked by her words for over two years now...what if she thinks I am some sort of shmoo? Of course, someone who writes about her BMs has to be pretty down to earth, so I think it will be fine.

I wish I had other exciting things to report...but I don't. Today Jim's giving a school so I am in his cubicle, surfing away. Tonight we are heading down to his family's place to see his youngest brother graduate high school (tear). Makes me feel so damn old I tell ya!

Speaking of old by the way, I would like to rant for a second. Just as a recap, I am 22 years old. Why isn't anyone %$$^#&*@!!# carding me anymore for booze? I mean, seriously??!!?!?! This is really starting to piss me off. Last night I went out with Jim's housemates to grab some food and booze. We went into this huge wine store (I can't wait for my ABC adventures) and there were signs everywhere that if you were under 30, you better have ID ready, blah blah blah. So we go to the register with our wine (blech) and I have ID in hand, they card my friend (who is like 25 and definitely looks of age) and they say ZIP to me. Mind you, people used to question my age all the time. I remember my junior year in high school having a librarian think I was like 14. It's interesting how for quite some time you try to make yourself look older, and you are offended when people assume you are younger; somewhere along the way the tables are turned. I always wondered when that would happen. It apparently had.

I almost can't bring myself to end this entry. Since I don't really know yet when I will be back full time, I feel like I should hold on as long as I can. Silly, I know. I can't help it though.

Before - After

said Jenn on June 14, 2003 at 12:03 p.m.