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July 01, 2006
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4th recap

I submit that there is nothing more breathtaking than watching fireworks set against the Capitol and Washington Monument.

Our 4th started with the annual soiree that Jim's company puts on. There was so much food, so many people, and it was a lot of fun. Jim managed to get very sunburned while I upgraded to a nice shade of brown. It's actually been quite some time since I have been tanned. After the soiree we relaxed with my second to last Netflix movie, Road to Perdition, very good I might add. Then it was off to Clarendon for a little ice cream with Jim's staff and then up to the roof to watch the fireworks. Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. I think it is more the sight of those magnificent structures that capture my interest. It must be the poli sci nerd hidden deep down inside that gets all excited, I don't know.

On Saturday we made the arduous trip down to his parents house. 95 was like a parking lot towards the end of the trip. This, of course, only reinforces me not liking to drive. ARGH. Not to say that I was driving. I think all in all, I have been behind the wheel about 15 miles total in the last month. The longest trip I have taken was to and from Jim's work when I got locked out. I have been loving it.

Nothing particularly spectacular happened down south. We ate lots of food, watched lots of TV - movies, Yanks/Sox games, the usual.

But looking back on this weekend I cannot say I was disappointed. Sure, we did not do "fabulous" things, but it was fun for us. Well, except leaving this morning at 2 AM to drive back up north (and STILL encountering traffic! UGH).

Before - After

said Jenn on July 07, 2003 at 3:34 p.m.