
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


survey - finito!

Random Ones...
81. Where do you see yourself in ten years: Married, kids, house, still teaching
82. What do you look for in the opposite sex: a great smile, a sarcastic sense of humor, intellect that doesn't make you snooty, a love of kids
83. What kind of car do you drive: a Kia Sephia
84. What is your favorite car: BMW 330Ci convertible
85. If you were stuck on an island and could only bring 4 things, what would they be: Does Jim count as a "thing?", my computer (complete with net access), my lipgloss, a scrunchy
86. What is your worst fear: never having a family, heights, creepy crawly things.
87. What are you listening to right now: my fan, which is on high right now so its pretty loud
88. Do you collect anything: lately I have been compiling a children's book collection, but its for work so that barely counts
89. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
90. Have a job: been trying like crazy!
91. Glasses: nope
92. What do you wear to bed: sometimes nothing, other times, a t-shirt.
93. Is there a television in your room: its neither my room nor my tv, but yes
94. What radio station: 93.9
95. Bed time: around midnight
96. Do you wish on shooting stars: I don't think I have ever seen one
97. What is in your room: I don't really have a room right now
98. First thing you notice about opposite sex: eyes and smile
99. Best disney movie: cartoon - Little Mermaid, otherwise, Mary Poppins
100. Do you own a pager or a cell phone: Cell phone

Do You Believe In...
101. Fate: Yes
102. God: I think so
103. Satan: no
104. Ouija boards: no
105. Horoscopes: I used to read them, but I didn't believe in the daily "this is what will happen to you" but I do believe that Libras tend to be x, y, and z
106. Yourself: more than ever before
107. Heaven/hell: yeah
108. Love at first sight: no
109. Does God have a plan for you: I don't know
110: Did you have fun doing this: for the most part

More first thought that comes to mind, but these can be only one word...
111. School: over!
112. Sex: toys
113. Drugs: (nothing comes to mind!)

More Random Questions...
114. What did you do last night: Watched GI Jane, went out with Jim for food, ended up at Taco Bell
115. How is your day going: I'm getting tired and wondering how I will make it through the night. I also miss Jim and wish he wasn't working.
116. What were you doing an hour ago: eating "lunch"
117. Do you enjoy doing surveys: usually
118. Are you friendly: I would like to think so
119. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: well, I do not keep my fingers on home row, but I don't hunt and peck either.
120. Has someone grabbed your butt today: um no, it's not a regular occurence either
121. Do you enjoy getting mail: Yes, except for those damn credit applications
123. What is your mood right now: bored
124. Is your room clean: Cleaner than usual.
125. Are you bored yet: yes
126. When was the last time you took a test: June 28th - Praxis 1
127. What are you listening to now: still the fan
128. Do you like gay people: what kind of question is that? geez, I like people, why would it matter if they were gay or not? I notice you don't ask if I like people of other religions or races, etc.
129. Do you have a nice stomach: not really
130. Say something to someone you haven't talked to in a while: Hey Kelly, if you are reading this, catch me on IM girl, we haven't talked in ages, and I never see you online!
131. Say something nice about your mom: She is an amazing cook.
132. What was the last movie you watched: on TV, GI Jane. In theatres, Legally Blonde 2
133. Did you make a new friend today: nope
134. Have you bled any today: I have been picking at a mosquito bite, so just a tiny bit of blood
135. Hot or cold: hot or cold what? it really depends
136. Wasn't this fun: it passed the time
137. Would you do this again: maybe
138. What time is it now: 5:55 and no, I wasn't doing this nonstop.

Before - After

said Jenn on July 26, 2003 at 5:54 p.m.