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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



When I look back over the last two months, I feel like I do not have many regrets. Sure, I am dead tired by Thursdays, sure I have been spending 60-80 hours at work. However, I love my kids, and I want to do the best for them, and I know that the hard work I put in now will benefit me later.

For instance, I finally have a filing cabinet. This is great because when I moved in three months ago I just piled my files onto bookcase shelves. Not exactly the best way to do things, I tell ya. I couldn't find a thing. While I still have a lot more filing to do, I can tell you that it's looking a lot better.

As far as any updates since last week....well, I had two nasty parent incidents. One involved a parent conference that lasted two hours, had me almost crying, and a dad challenging our curriculum and my teaching philosophies. Bastard. He wrote a very nice note and sent it in yesterday and I think I will forgive him. The other invovled a very snotty mom, who eventually dragged in her husband. I hate two against one. However, I affirmed what they were feeling, but set them straight. It's not okay to call me two minutes after my little peanuts leave and ask to come in to get a copy of something that I just don't have. I am not running to the copier at 4:02 for you. Right after school is THE worst time to use the copier.

Other than that, it has been rather ho-hum. Jim left yesterday to go to his parents', in part to celebrate his sister's 14th, in part to see his brothers (on their first trip up from college), and while his uncle is there, I don't think that has anything to do with it. Jim's been in a cranky mood since the Yanks started losing. I don't like being around when his team loses. He gets really weird and I don't like it. For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays he invites me over to watch the only two shows I watch these days: Gilmore Girls and Friends. Since the game has been on that means me coming over, giving him a hug and/or kiss and then he sits downstairs watching the game while I am in his room watching the show. Well, on Thursday he comes in and he's saying stuff about how the Marlins are the world champs, my team sucks, yadda yadda. I have come to realize that ignoring him is the best response really, but I feel like saying "hey bud, the only reason I even care about the Yankees is because of you. They are YOUR team, that's why YOU are downstairs watching the game, whereas I on the otherhand am upstairs watching Friends." I mean really. MY team. Pffffffft.

I do hope they win though.

Before - After

said Jenn on October 25, 2003 at 9:47 a.m.