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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
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June 29, 2006
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June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



I hate when I get sick, because I just become like another person. I feel like I am going to die, and get really whiny and useless. It's pathetic really. Thankfully Jim is willing to put up with my bs and deal with me. Friday night I had felt fine enough. I went and did some shopping for my secret santa, got my final christmas present and then in a moment of weakness went into the ABC. I don't know if it's some weird southern thing, but apparently an ABC is the liquor store. Nevermind that down here you can buy beer in a grocery store for crying out loud. I don't like this whole ABC thing. For instance, in Amherst there were tons of package stores, since, well, what else could you do in cow town than drink? And each one had a distinctive flavor. You know, the one that lets underage people in, the one that bans people from Jersey (my personal fave), one that had a snazzy collection of rums, etc. Here it's just ABCs. And their hours suck. But anyway...long story short, I bought some rum. Actually, I must add that I felt it was my duty to buy some rum, even though I am on a super tight ass budget. See, this ABC is new. And apparently our small town was not really into the idea of the ABC going in. It does look kinda silly, next to a Hallmark store and all. But when it came time for the town meeting or whatever these people do, nobody showed up in dissent. So it went in. Well, I was at Hallmark, buying said last gift and the people in the store were grousing about it. How sleazy it seemed. How close to the high school it was (like these kids could not have bought beer at the Giant that is RIGHT across the street? geesh) The woman working there commented on how it might not last because she never sees people in there. Sure enough, when I left the store and walked by it was deserted. So I HAD to go in and support the effort. I don't even know where the other nearby ABC is, so this one needs to stay. It's so convenient. Heh.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend I spent being miserable and sick. Jim tried to convince me that a good remedy for being sick was mcnuggets, and while I doubt this, it was really good. Sadly, I cannot tell the difference between these new "white meat" nuggets and the apparently mystery meat nuggets they used to serve.

I did see Elf this weekend which was fucking hilarious, so if you haven't seen it, you should. I thought it was going to be silly, which is not to say it wasn't silly but it wasn't ridiculous.

I hope I don't have the flu. :(

Before - After

said Jenn on December 14, 2003 at 7:35 p.m.