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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


good enough

I am so fucking tired.

We had a field trip on Thursday, which is fun and all for the kiddos, but seems to leave you with a feel like you got hit with a ton of bricks. I just have to keep reminding myself that at least it's not like last year's trek from Amherst to Boston (on a SCHOOLBUS, not coach bus, mind you) that was absolutely insane. Nope, we just headed to NoVa in Alexandria to see a performance. Insanity ensued nonetheless, but not a 3 hour trek both ways, so that's a plus.

It's also report card time, which SUCKS. Actually it sucks way worse for most other people, since I have actually figured out most of my grades. I think I have social studies and writing left, which is not all too bad. But then I have the million hours of bubbling, which does not appeal to me, and makes me feel cross-eyed when I finish.

But what is making me feel tired the most right now is I went out with teacher Jen on my team, and we had a blast, though I drank more than I would have liked (in hindsight only of course) and stayed out way too late, and spent money I shouldn't have. We went out to this bar out by Tyson's, which made me a little nervous because well, Tyson's equals money and since I have like none...But it turns out Jen knows the bartender and he really hooked us up. We each had 3 drinks and paid for one (though we obviously tip well) and one point he brought us yummy appetizers. We got there maybe around 10, and around 11 it's like the guys get really really lonely. First there was the guy who bought us a round of drinks...that was interesting because it took him seriously over an hour to get up the guts to come talk to us. The funniest part was he was with a couple and another guy and they would just all look over here, and then his friends would start talking to him. Then there was another guy who seriously would rank below a rock intelligence wise. He was sitting next to Jen, and would keep trying to initiate conversation, but anyone who starts with "nice tail" is doomed to failure anyway. My absolute favorite was the like 50-60 year old man from Russia/Germany that sat down when Dumb-As-Rocks left. He had no concept of personal space and was downright scary. Fortunately the guy who bought us drinks came back with his friend and made the old guy leave. Of course, the funny part about this is "Isaac" probably wasn't a spring chicken himself. I saw the gray hairs...but at least as Jen said, you didn't feel his breath on your neck. Which of course is an indication of success. :)

Thankfully there is nothing on the agenda tonight, so I can just chill out and actually go to bed before 2 AM. Hopefully Jim will be coming to visit me on Sunday and maybe I can convince him to go out for breakfast at Friendly's now that his big work thing is over. I am really apprehensive about the coming weeks, as basically Jim will be gone every weekend. It's just hard because I have already gotten used to seeing him all the time. I mean, how can you not when the person lives a mile away? I think the good thing is I may still see him during the week to go to the gym. But now it's like it's not enough.

Before - After

said Jenn on January 24, 2004 at 11:03 a.m.