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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
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June 29, 2006
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June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


poor Jennie

Why is not so odd that I saw 4 girls in togas at my apartment's bus stop?

Anyway. If I were not so poor, I would be up at the bars. I miss my birthday...everyone buys you drinks on your birthday.

I was thinking today about how poor I am, and then when I went to work there were two open shifts! Yippee...a whole extra $35 for Jennie. My job blows. It figures that the one job where I can work as much as I want, I am paid peanuts. The job I love, I can only work 8 hours a week and I get paid a ton.

Life. Is. Not. Fair

Speaking of unfair, I think I am going to cancel my tropical Spring Break plans. I'll probably just go to DC and be with Jim. Well, I was planning on taking a trip WITH Jim, but the logistics were too scary.

Hopefully by then I will know whether or not I have been accepted to grad school.

Speaking of school, does anyone have any ideas as to what I should study for an independent study? I am all done with this "classes" stuff. I want to do an independent study. Something where I can go and observe 3-4th grade classes. I was thinking maybe something to do with girls and math. I don't know though, so keep those ideas a-comin'. Thankee.

Well, it's late, and I don't really know what else to say. Oh, John and I had food delivered to the cool is that?

clix me because I am cool and you love me.

Before - After

said Jenn on October 21, 2001 at 12:13 p.m.