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July 01, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


art and friends

I made my two cards for Jim today. That zapped all the artistic flow I had. Ha. Artistic flow.

Let me say now that I am NOT artistic. Quite the opposite actually. However, since Jim gives me the biggest smile when I present him with my pathetic arts and crafts nightmares, I will continue to plod along in my quest to be cute. I actually enjoy making stuff for him, since he seems to treasure it so.

So today I made cards with construction and tissue paper. :)

My Ronni is sad. As this makes me sad in response, cheer us both up and leave her cute notes about how lovely she is. *shrug* She IS, so it should not be a problem, right? :) Good. Thank you.

If you think it is odd to call someone yours, well, I don't. There are some people who have somehow wove themselves right into the fabric of my life. *cliche score: 1* Ronni is definitely one of them. I feel like I know more about her than I do housemates. We even talk more often than I do with some of my friends from high school. She rocks my socks.

Well, I was going to say something else, but I think I am going to do the whole "sleep" thing. It's so overrated though.

"The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before." - Good Will Hunting

Before - After

said Jenn on October 09, 2001 at 12:50 a.m.