
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


interesting day

I hate jello skin. It's really yucky. I put up with it only because I loooooove eating jello with cool whip. That's a good snack right? I hope so.

My room is such a mess. Malicious is lost somewhere under a pile of laundry and I have to wash my not-socks. May I say that not-socks suck? I thought it would be good because my trouser socks always fall down, but my not-socks suck because: 1. they fall down too, I don't know how the manage it, but the come off my foot (inside the shoe!) and slid down to my toes. 2. they make me look weird because you know how when you sit down and cross your legs your pants rise up? well, it looks like I have no socks on, so I look like a scrub. more not-socks for me!

Jim just IMd me. He's so sweet. He signed on only for about 1 minute just to say "the word cute wouldn't be the same without u." HE'S cute. :)

I got more books today. Sarah was worried that my book obsession was getting out of hand, but it was books I ordered like last week. Not to debit card has been "hidden" so I am not tempted to use it.

Well, I have a ton of things to do this afternoon, but I might be back this evening to write some more! Ciao!

QOD: (quite fitting lately!) "One should eat to live, not live to eat." --Moliere

Before - After

said Jenn on January 10, 2002 at 4:00 p.m.