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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


Do you have a license to carry that saw?

Brace yourself, this is going to be a hum-dinger.

AT&T ranks somewhere up there with Hillary Clinton, and Osama Bin Laden. They suuuuuck. Wanna hear how bad the last day was? I'm sorry that I did not update but it was totally out of my hands. Anyway, I have had no phone for three days. It started out staticky, and then there was no dial tone, and then not only was there no dial tone, but it was emitting a loud noise when you picked up the phone. Ugh. The kicker is that when I had a friend call the phone company for us to report the problem they said something about calling to verify the problem....C'mon, I may get bored sometimes, but I really do have better things to do than call the phone company and pretend my phone is not working. Give me some credit.

Apparently, I have reached my 300th entry. It just kinda snuck up on me. To be perfectly frank, I am excited that I have stuck with something so long. I have kept many paper journals, but I usually lose interest very quickly. I have had gaps of like two years between entries. So go me...It's odd to think that at the same time Angelica was celebrating her 300th entry, since she too writes every day yet she started like 3 months before I did. Hmmmm. You should go visit her before she goes buh-bye. She just got an account with evil diary-x since Diaryland has this odd problem where older entries show up in an old design. That pisses me off, but I could never leave this pleasant little community.

That just reminded me...Kati is back. darling Kati. How I have missed her. Not to discount any of my other Diaryland friendships, but she ranks up there as one of my best Diaryland friends...So go visit her too, and tell her Jenn sent ya! I should ask her for a little linky. Hmmmm....(makes mental note to add to things to do...)

Today on my way to WC a guy gets on the bus with a saw...yes, a saw. It was just this little saw, and I could not help but raise an eyebrow. He got on at a college stop (no not Hippie College) and yet it still surprised me. A police officer from the college got on the bus and asked him to step off the bus for a second. To amuse myself, I imagined how the conversation could have gone....
Officer: "Do you have a license to carry that saw?"
Guy: "Um, no, do I need one?"
Officer: "Well, do you want the real answer, or the one I want to give you?"
*bewildered look from guy*
Officer: "Well, try not to use it on anyone, it would make a mess on the bus."
Then the guy got back on the bus.

I have been having interesting conversations with Beaker and Bunson. I think I have been slowing shifting to the left. Not that I was far right anyway, but talking to them has made me realize how socially liberal I actually am. We were discussing the merit of contributing to the school's child care fund. Both were opposed to the idea to start, but I finally convinced Bunson....yay...the powers of debate.

My powers of persuasion must not be that great because I am having a hard time convincing a guy to join me in taking a social dance class next semester. I tried to convince John from work, and I think eventually he will give in, because he definitely has a crush on me. So cute. Not him, just that he has a crush.

Did I mention how I felt really smart in my WC's politics class the other day? I know I wrote about but I have lost many an entry to my shitty connection...grr. Anyway, we were talking about state politics and stuff and the girls were so clueless. It made me feel better to not be the one asking questions.

Speaking of feeling stupid, I need help. For some reason when I talk to my housemates I find myself acting really ditzy, which is odd, because I really am not. Yet when I talk to them I find myself twirling my hair a little, and sounding very silly. If there was a corresponding AA for it, I would go, believe me. It makes me feel so weird afterwards, yet I can't seem to stop.

The Yankees just won another game. I feel very excited for them, however, I must say that I am rooting equally for the Diamondbacks...c'mon, gotta sport that AZ love. I have felt very torn throughout the whole series. I would be happy no matter which team won. I guess...

Man..throughout the day I always think of things to write about and then the time comes to write my entry, and *whoosh* all those great ideas fly right out of my head. Darn it.

I saw the prettiest girl the other day on the bus. She was so cute. I am coming to the swift conclusion that I prefer blondes. She was short, with blonde hair and freckles. I love freckles. She had on a cute little snow hat and I shamelessly stared at her from behind my sunglasses. I know it's sad, sue me.

Well, I am going to stop rambling now. Catch y'all later.

Click here if you like girls...

Before - After

said Jenn on November 02, 2001 at 12:40 a.m.