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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


short desc. suck

It's not really 6:41. I should stop being so lazy and change my clock back. Remember that paper I had to do last night? I finally finished at about 1:30. Too bad that it was due ninety minutes earlier. Oh well. So I turned my clock back and sent it in an email to my professor. She's not very with it, and will think that I turned it in on time.

My two classes off campus are over. On Thursday the professor said we could bring cookies and she would read stories to us. As appealing as this sounds, I am not riding a bus for 90 minutes roundtrip just for that. Plus I have other things I can do, like sleep. :)

I have one more paper (15-20 p) and a final exam and my last semester as an undergraduate is over. It's pretty exciting. My housemates don't really see it as that big of a deal, but I am one of those sentimental fools.

I cannot wait for the last day of class because it means a whole month where I can just focus on my writing again. I feel badly because lately I really have not had the time to just sit and write like I used to. I remember over the summer when I would write every day, many times a day, long entries about whatever was in my head.

I don't mind that sometimes I write little short blurbs about whatever is going on, like Secret Santa or whatever. I figure if the saying is that practice makes perfect, then I should just try to write every day, and accept that not all of my entries will be stellar.

Catherine if you are reading this, IM me or send me an email with your IM name, because I wrote it down but I don't know where it went...grrr

Isn't it amazing how much you do when you are supposed to be doing a paper? Whenever I have a paper due, my desk gets reorganized, my room is clean...It's really how pathetic how much of a procrastinator I can be.

Well, I am going to try to make something of the day. Wish me luck!

Listening to: "Always on time" Ja Rule

Before - After

said Jenn on December 11, 2001 at 6:41 a.m.