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July 01, 2006
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June 28, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


sit down and I'll tell you a story

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jennifer. Jennifer was a girl looking for love, usually in the wrong place. Whenever she met a guy, he certainly SEEMED nice, but somehow or another his slimy side seemed to show.

There was Justin, her first boyfriend ever (8th grade). They certainly seemed happy, as junior high relationships seem to go. They never talked or saw each other outside of school, but spent much of their time walking around campus holding hands. Despite "dating" for many months they never even kissed. Then one day he broke up with her, and started dating her best friend shortly after.

The next year, in a new school across the country, she started dating a guy named Andrew. Interestingly enough, they started dating after his best friend turned her down. They were very happy. Again, a pesky best friend somehow horned in, and they broke up. (Hmmm...perhaps its the choice of friends and not boyfriends)

Her first year of high school brought two guys named Chris. One was a senior from a rival town and the other a sweet guy from down the street. Somehow, having someone nice bothered Jennifer and she dumped the sweet one for the rough and tumble senior.

But she wasn't happy with the senior either. He was pressuring her to sleep with him, and had quite a mean side. Opting not to be a battered girlfriend (and having found someone else) she dumped the senior.

For many years afterwards Jennifer was convinced that her next boyfriend was the one. She had so much fun with Alan. They spent countless hours together talking about lots of stuff. But it was a rocky relationship, as Alan tended to be a commitmentphobe. Their relationship mirrored Ross and Rachel's on Friends - no one seemed to keep up with their break ups and make ups. But it was always assumed that when they were broken up they would get back together...

During one particularly long break up Jennifer started dating someone else. Her best friend (damn, are they always the antagonist?) thought Jennifer would be better off with someone else, and set her up with an old friend named Richard. Jennifer had known Richard ever since she had moved three years ago. In fact, their homeroom teacher had tried to set them up, but it hadn't worked out. That should have been a sign, because their relationship did not last very long.

The summer before her junior year while Jennifer was dating a great guy named Nathan, Alan called her and they started talking again. After some deliberation, Jennifer started dating both guys, and as you can expect, that did not work out too well. Nathan left her, and shortly after Jennifer and Alan spent the night together (for their very first, and only, time)he broke it off as well.

Brokenhearted, Jennifer sought solace in the arms of Alan's best friend, Adam. He admitted to having harbored a crush for her since the moment he met her, some two and a half years ago. They dated for a while, but then on his 18th birthday he went to a party and hooked up with some random chick and on their three month anniversary he broke up with Jennifer to start dating that floozy. Jennifer found it quite hilarious when in the end the girl turned out to be a psycho...

For the next year Jennifer had sworn to stay single, having been burned so many times. Until late one night her phone was Alan, who was now in college. He was about to go off on Spring Break and just felt like chatting. They talked for about two hours, until at one point he had some errand or something quick to do. Instead of hanging up, he gave the phone to one of his friends, a guy named David. The guy on the phone had such a sexy voice. Jennifer found herself intrigued and the two ended up talking for the rest of the night. By the end of the conversation, they had exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. David started calling frequently, and e-mailing every day. A few weeks later David convinced Alan to take him to meet Jennifer. They borrowed his car and went out to dinner and then the beach. While they were on the beach he asked her to be his girlfriend. She happily accepted.

For the next few months Jennifer started making the hour trip to see him every week or two. Over the summer he moved from the dorms to his very own apartment and they spent the summer together. Jennifer felt so grown up, playing house with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, this is when she discovered that David was cheating on her...a lot. He had many girlfriends, some only over the internet, but many of them he would meet and sleep with. Jennifer was devastated. As many girls foolishly do, she was convinced she could change him, make him faithful. Of course it did not work, and only drove them farther apart.

So shortly after she started her first year of college they split up. This is also about the same time that Jennifer met "ex" he was a sweet guy that worked with her and despite her misgivings she went out on a few dates with him. A few dates quickly turned into more and bfore she knew it, they had been dating for a few months. But she was unhappy. She started to wonder if she was unable to have a normal relationship. She felt repellant to the "nice" guys..everyone she wanted to stay with turned out to be a creep.

But one day she looked at a guy she knew vaguely and saw so much more. And after one cold night in his room (not what you think) she knew he was the one.

Two years, eight months, and two days ago he asked her out, and she happily said yes, and they have never grown to regret it. So when she sometimes frets about her boyfriend, she realizes that it has nothing to do with Jim, but because of her past lack of luck in love.

Before - After

said Jenn on December 13, 2001 at 9:28 p.m.