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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


happy holidays

Instead of being a productive person, which truly was my intent today, I spent most of the day in front of either the television or the computer. Bah

I did manage to put away the laundry from Thursday. Go me.

I need to pack.

Have I mentioned that I am not looking forward to going home, what I actually look forward to is having the car.

Did I mention what I did last night? Ex calls me around 10, and asks if I want to go get breakfast. I accept his offer, and he heads over, but of course we miss breakfast because I need to give the last rites to my mp3 player (may she find love with her new owner). Anyway, we head over to Subway where neither the Subway Nazi or the curiously asexual clerks were working. We were perplexed by this, after all, for the last three years it has been nothing but these two.

We head back to my place, off to play Sims. I had been shocked to learn that he had never played before, and was determined to get another person hooked. He certainly was. We created a little Simmie for him, and a cute girl to live next door that he could date.

Suddenly it was hours later, and he went home to go to sleep, as he was very tired.

It was not long after that he IMs me, to say that the former object of his desire was over, and bothering him...and he wanted to go get drinks at my favorite bar. I was quite happy about this invitation, and so he came over to pick me up. I had one last beer in my fridge (remember the ones Mike gave me for my birthday?). Yes, Ronni I had a beer in my fridge for almost three months. I'm sorry. :( I really hate beer though.

As has been the case with most of my ex-boyfriends, one beer was enough to make Ex feel silly, and as the bus was on some weird schedule, we decided I would drive. I was cool with this, as I had not had anything to drink at my house. What DID worry me was the trip home.

I would like to think I am pretty responsible, especially in the realm of driving. Even if I wasn't good on the whole drinking and driving thing, Rhi has pretty much made it a big no-no for me.

Excited to be driving, I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, and we went uptown. Alas, my darling Kelly was not there, but I drowned my sorrows in a Grateful Dead. I sipped it rather slowly, in an effort to stay in control of the situation. After we finished our drinks, we sat at the bar chatting awhile, and then headed over to the seven eleven for some gum and water.

By then I felt no effect whatsoever, but drove a little slower nonetheless. So here I am, safe and sound, and a bit happy.

Though remind me to tell you what Ex did this morning...

Must get to packin'!

Happy Holidays!

Before - After

said Jenn on December 24, 2001 at 12:06 a.m.