
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



This is how yesterday went:

I did my cleaning (finally) and at 4 PM left to see Harry Potter. I cruised the parking lots for EVER to find a spot, finally found a space out in East Cutty. Grrrr...Then I get in the theatre and find that the show was sold out. Oh well. I trek back out to E. Cutty and decide that since I am out I should go to Barnes and Noble.

I sit there for over an hour, reading various Education books. Then I got tired and hungry and headed home. I resisted the fleeting urge to grab some fast food, deciding that I like my waistline and wallet too much to splurge on it.

I made some dinner and watched Simpsons, and two Friends episodes. Ex called, and he came over (poor thing had an anthrax scare at work today - they still don't know what the powder was the spilled out of some envelope his co-worker opened). So Beaker, Ex, and I played some You Don't Know Jack...quite fun.

In the midst of one round Jim called, as he said he would, but he said something about missing the last train out of DC and he would call me when the Greyhound brought him home. Beaker, having known Jim for many years joked about Jim's inability to be on time. We returned to the game until 10 when Beaker decided it was bed time.

So Ex and I played cards for a half hour until Jim called back. We started chatting on the phone and suddenly my (room) door opened. I wad ready to freak out because I thought it was either Ex or Beaker, but it was JIM.

Shame on him for scaring me like that. Can you believe he surprised me like that? He said he had to see, and changed his flight to Friday instead of Saturday.

So yeah, I'm going to go hang out with my baby, maybe I will write again tomorrow when he's in the shower again (MAN he takes long showers)

Before - After

said Jenn on December 29, 2001 at 11:06 a.m.