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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


five more days!

Yawn. Five more days of school/work. It's awesome. Plus my Jimbo should be coming to visit soon. Yay!

I have a lot to be excited about. First of all, my site has been doing quite well on Clix. Check me out. Also I went to check out my stats tonight and I had a visit from being a political science major I am quite intrigued. The referral came from one of my fave d-landers...jenne1017. She's more than awesome. Oh well, I guess I will probably never find out who it was. That's okay, I don't really like the Senate much right now anyway. Damn Jeffords! =(

I am such a good mood. I am listening to one of my favorite songs ever. I love to play it when I am cleaning the house. It's so hard to be unhappy when you listen to it. It is so upbeat and has a great song.

I am in the midst of two books. One I can hardly put down, the other is ok. The first is called "The Courage to Teach" the other one is "Why Kids Lie" I have a chronic liar in my class. I kinda feel bad for her, cause the other kids know she likes to tell tall tales and really go after her for it. Poor kid.

I feel like I have so much to do and not nearly enough time to do it. I want to go to Wal-Mart and get a fan since it is starting to get unbearably hot. I want to go to the hardware store...just taking out the trash seems so hard. I get home after such a loooooooong day and I just want to vegetate.

Of course if Jim is coming for a visit then I certainly have to get my buns in gear. I still have laudry in the living room...and I washed it on Sunday. It's just chilling in the basket (folded of course)

I spent an extraordinary long time thinking about teaching today. Sure, I spend my time working in an elementary school. But I don't usually sit and think about it a lot at work. But I was talking to some fourth grade girls who were writing a letter to their teacher next year. There are three teachers teaching 5th grade and they had already decided that they wanted only this one teacher. In fact they were so adamant about it that their parents called and asked that the girls get the teacher.

I tried to talk to them about it, sharing the story of my 6th grade teacher. I always worry that when I share something with the kids that they will think I am making it up. But anyway, back to the story. This teacher was one of the most influential teachers I had. I have two teachers who stick in my mind. One was super nice (my 4th grade teacher) and this super strict teacher - my 6th grade teacher. Guess who I remember more? Yeah. As much as I hated her at times, she has left her mark on me. I tried to tell them that in 5th grade I was petrified of her. I made grand speeches to my friends that I would transfer if I had her. Sure enough, on the first day of school there I was, in her class. I had not even though to look outside her class for my name. I went to the other 6th grade classrooms first. My friend came up to me and broke the bad news. I was so mad at the time but now I consider myself quite lucky.

That's the kind of teacher I want to be. I would rather be the strict one that kids fear at first but always remember rather than the one they all love but soon forget. And it's not about some legacy or something dumb like that. But I know that some of the things I do today are because of that one teacher. She really made a difference in my life. That is why I could never forget her. That's what I want. I want to do more than teacher about math and English. Ok, I am going to stop before I get all mushy and cliche-y.

Well I have to get off my butt and get at least a little bit done. TTYL!

Listening to: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" Bing Crosby

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-06-12 at 9:06 p.m.