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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



*****************Boys make nice pets*****************

Well, I got a lot done today. I brought home a stack of papers to grade today. I thought, hey, it will give my teacher a break and it is great practice. Goodness....I have been in college for three years and as a result it has been some time since I have had some sort of work that had to be done for the next day. But it's done and I am glad. It made me really see what its all about.

I missed Jimbo earlier. I am pretty bummed about that. There was this movie that some of the teachers were talking about and I figured that I should reward myself and watch it. Not that it was one of those movies that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling. It was this movie about a woman who gets arrested because of some "pornographic" pictures of her kids. It really makes you think.

Anyway, so I managed to drag out the vacuum and clean a little. I also moved around more furniture. I am not sure if I like the way the living room looks now. But hey, its not set in stone or anything, right?

*Yawn* I must stay up....Jim's online now. I always look forward to talking to him....whether its online or on the phone. It's sad that I took so much for granted. Now all I have to look forward to is visits, the occasional phone call, e-mails and IMs. Of course, I wanted to spend more time with him....but he was always so busy.

So here we are, celebrating 26 months and we are so far apart. He still does not know when he can visit. University of Virginia is looking more and more appealing. I keep telling myself that I am not just interested because of him. It IS a good school. And as much as he hates it, I love Virginia. I think where he lives is a nice area.

I guess I will just have to see. I still have some time to make decisions on where to apply. Then it is all up to the gods and goddesses of financial aid and admissions. Cross your fingers!

Let me just say, I think I want to go to school far far from here. Cause I will tell you, planning this whole graduation thing is a nightmare. Let me remind you that my graduation is over 11 (yes, ELEVEN) months away. Of course in my town it is such a circus that you kinda have to. But I still don't want to. *pout*

My interview with the library is on Thursday. Yippeee!

Another thing to think about....tomorrow I can be like a REAL person and have normal things like milk and bread...novel concept, I know.

I was a good girl today. I got up on time (even though I had like little sleep) AND I even exercised. GO ME! Come on, you must cheer me on for this. My plan is to be so sexy that Jim will never leave again!

Ha. Who am I kidding. I have reached a point in my life where I want to be sexy for ME. I saw two of the sexiest dresses ever this morning and I wanted them so badly. Too bad I have no money for that. =(

Ok, can I rant about something that has nothing to do with Jim *wink* My teacher asked me to get something from her purse, some change for a lesson on money. For someone who jokes about teachers being so poor she has some nice stuff. A purse and wallet from Nine West. I have actually been thinking about buying a similar wallet. But hey, twenty bucks can get at least two weeks groceries....I just don't have that kinda of money right now. Oh well.

Wow. What a life. Grading papers and envying someone for their $20 wallet. *grin*

Hey, here is something I have been meaning to say. I can see that people are coming to visit my humble little abode....but no one says anything. Ok, I admit, I hardly have a guestbook, but I used to have a website and no one signed it and I became sad. So I decided no more g'books for me. But I do have e-mail. Email me here at diaryland. Tell me you love me...tell me you hate me....say something !!!

[email protected]

Listening to: "I Alone" - Live

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-06-04 at 11:04 p.m.