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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



"The aim of life is to live and to live is to be aware ... joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -- Henry Miller

You know, I was thinking about Buzz earlier today. So now that he's been mentioned, it's like I let a genie out of a bottle....there is no escaping him now.

I already addressed who he is and if you are still unsure check my cast page.

Anyway, so why was I thinking of Buzz? Well, I was talking to the other guy I work with and he mentioned that he played in a band. So I asked him if he ever played on campus. He mentioned that he met with the student group that does I thought of Buzz. See, Buzz does everything. He is, and I will explain this later, like the new Asif. That is, he does EVERYTHING. He is a part of that group, he is in a fraternity, he is a officer in IFC (for all you non-Greeks, its the governing board for fraternities. He is a part of the College Republicans (woo hoo!) AND he had been involved in student government. He's not involved anymore. In fact, with him and Jim gone, I can't possibly return myself (again, another story)

In fact, this last spring he ran in the campus elections. In my heart we kicked the opposition's butt. But on our campus its a popularity contest...he who throws the most keg parties, wins. But I will never forget that election. V pulling up at some god awful early time like 5 in the morning so we could get some coffee and put up signs. Cruising around the dorms with V putting up signs...watching Jim try to run the show with his brand new cell phone like he's Dick Cheney or was a blast.

I never thought I could get into it. After all, the other two years I have been here it was Jim running. The first election I was falling in love with him and put in 110% and it was great getting to know not only him but everyone...the second time it was so nostalgic and I put in 150%. This time it wasn't for Jim and I wasn't sure I could muster the enthusiasm. But where Jim was all serious and business....Buzz was, well, he was Buzz. Don't get me wrong, he was a hard worker, but man he was a blast.

Whenever I talk about that election (which seems to be often these days) I speak of it fondly...I do not regret a minute; with the noted exception of when the results came in.

So, I promised to tell y'all the Moses story. Well, my school can't resist poking fun at us college republicans, so they decided that it would be cool to put us in the same office as the religious groups. Well, one day, Buzz spies this toy figure of Moses, and being that he is really about six years old, he started playing with it. He had the arms pointed out towards people and he would say in this funny voice, "Moses ANGRY! Moses SMASH!" It was hysterical...and vintage Buzz...

Or, there's his obsession with Outkast's "Ms. Jackson"....I could go on and on.

Anyway, he's a great guy and a great friend, and I cannot imagine what I am going to do in a year when he's gone. Maybe I can store him away in a pet carrier...

Listening to: "Loser" Beck
Hey Sarah -"Get crazy with the Cheez Whiz!"

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-17 at 8:27 p.m.