
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



So, I just woke up at about 5:30 PM (yes PM) I think I missed my package (again) from my Mom.

Why am I waking up this late? Well, it's a long story, so sit back and relax.

Remember how I mentioned that I had been talking to my ex David? The one I regret now going out with. I bet you are asking why I am talking to such a loser. Well, I wanted to get him back so badly. It seemed to be working. He was really funny. He calls all the time, whenever he's on he IMs me. It's hilarious watching him trip all over himself. When we talk he says how he can't stop thinking about me, he misses me, yada yada.

But then last night he said he wants to see me. He lives about an hour away (though he is convinced its not that far...whatever)

This was at about 2 AM, after Andy left. Anyway, Jim was online so I was talking to him on IM while talking to David on the phone. Here are the excerpts from the conversation...Jim is such a sweetie.

Jim (3:15:03 AM): You know what Mary?

Jenn92580 (3:15:08 AM): ?

Jim (3:15:11 AM): you want the moon?

Jenn92580 (3:15:18 AM): :-D

Jim (3:15:27 AM): I'll just throw a big ol' lasso around it and pull it down

Jenn92580 (3:15:47 AM):

Jim (3:16:21 AM): kisses and hugs

Anyway at one point I tell him that I am on the phone with David. Jim's response was "eek" so I felt kinda bad. He said he was not worried he is just disgusted by him. Then it made me wonder well, should I really be talking to this guy? I mean, sure its not like I want to be his friend or anything, cause he's so creepy...I don't know.

So David hears me clicking away on the keyboard and asked me what I was was, after all, 4 AM. I told him I was talking to he asked me if I told Jim that I was talking to him. I told him yes and he got all upset and he said that I must have made Jim insecure and jealous and stuff. I did not really think that was the case, but I did not want Jim to feel that way...especially after the hard times we have been having just trying to keep our long-distance relationship going.

I called Jim at 4:30 to make sure things we cool. We ended up talking about so many things. When we got off the phone it was 7 AM.

So I missed my package again! Damn it. Now I have to go get it and its like 20 lb. I am really really mad at myself for that one. Cause it really sucks. V is across the state visiting her family and won't be back until Monday for class, so I have to get in touch with her somehow and see if we can get to the post office by the time it closes. Grrrrr

It seems very unlikely that you can ever get all areas of your life to just come together. EVER.

In other news, Kati and I are getting married, moving to an island in the Pacific and having a brood of dirt children.

As soon as I finish all my diaryring work I will come back and tell you all about it.

Listening to: "The Rock Show" Blink 182

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-21 at 6:45 p.m.