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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


spark two

A freak microwave popcorn accident has landed you in the emergency room. The neurosurgeon informs you that in order to save your life, you'll have to sacrifice one of your five senses. Which sense � sight, smell, taste, touch, or hearing � could you live without? Why?

How much do you depend on each one of your senses every day? What is your most favorite experience with each? What would life be like with your chosen sense missing?

Wow, that's a tough one. I think I would have to go with taste. I love food too much. Perhaps if I had no tastebuds I can be sexy again ;)

Seriously I depend on my other senses way too much.

Touch: I love silky soft things (who doesn't?) the people at Victoria's Secret must think I am creepy cause I love to touch the silk nighties. Jim also happens to have the softest guy skin ever. It is so bad, he doesn't use lotion or body washes but he has really soft skin. I am so jealous.

Sight: I cannot imagine a dark world. I love watching the clouds, sunsets, people walking by....I could not deal with never seeing Jim's sexy smile or his blue eyes. Of course, if I could not see I could stop comparing myself to other women. But I would rather be tortured with the sight of beautiful women than be tortured by the loss of vision.

Smell: I swear it was the scent of Jim that made me fall in love with him. Sounds odd, right? But I remember the night I told him I liked him. He told me that he did not want to get into a relationship with me and I started to cry (it was the first time I had ever told a guy that I liked him - so I was REALLY crushed) he gave me a hug and then held me in his arms for a while. He smelled so good. And you know what? It was not cologne or anything. It was the sweet scent of soap and detergent. I was so used to guys who bathe in cologne. He smelled so good. I was hooked. Over two years later his scent still drives me crazy. Weird huh?

Hearing: This is the one I would NEVER give up voluntarily. I love music way too much. I almost always have a song in my head....I listen to music constantly. Voices are so sexy. I bet you are tired of Jim references (Jim count: 4) but his voice is pretty sexy. He had a radio show in college and I would listen every week. It's odd though because I hate my own voice. Through my head it sounds kinda masculine. But whenever I listen to it on tape somehow it sounds..I don't know. Almost ditzy. How much do I depend on each sense? Smell I use a lot because I love dabbling with scented lotions, and body sprays.Well, I use vision a lot. Though my outfits may not always reflect that. (j/k) I may not DEPEND on hearing, but I use it at least 1/4 of the day...I guess I do not depend on touch all too much. Although, I do sleep with my teddy bear every night, and I depend on that. And that is kinda touch related, right? =) That's all. Ciao.

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-05 at 10:35 p.m.