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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



It's my one hundredth entry

I am very excited. I have only beem at Diaryland for forty some odd days, yet I feel as if I have been here for ages. I have made some great friends, and learned a lot, about a lot of things.

I feel very open and free. There is not much I would not talk about here. The only things I censor are things that would give away too much personal information. I don't mind sharing my life with the world, but I do not really want people I know "in real life" to be reading this - with the notable exception of Jim. I look forward to the day I celebrate more milestones here at Diaryland, and I will continue to enjoy sharing them with you.

In fact today I hit another milestone, I hit number 10 at Clix. I am quite excited about this, and entertain the notion that I could perhaps do even better by the end of the Clix cycle. So keep hitting that link! Thanks to everyone who made it possible, especially my great friend Ronni.

So the rest of my day was pretty good. I feel old though. I was talking to my brother (he's 11 going on 17) and we were talking about music. He asked me what I was listening to, and I had been listening to a great song I discovered on (you guessed it) MTV radio (if it seems like I am obsessed with it, its because I AM) The song is "Crawling" by Linkin Park. Well apparently my brother is quite has been listening to that song "for ages." He was quite intrigued that an "old person" like me was listening to such cool music. He made me feel like I should be listening to Barry Manilow or something. =(

I delight in informing y'all that a new Yankees fan is born. Hahaha to Nicole who must be retching at the prospect. Yes, my brother is a Yankees fan. No, it is not just "a phase." He's actually quite hardcore about it. His birthday is coming up and that's all he wants is Yankees stuff. So, being the teacher in the making I think I will get him a book on the Yankees or something. Jim will have some ideas, right honey? =)

I miss Jenn. I really want to talk politics with her. Especially about that creep-o Gary Condit. Ok, I usually don't bash Democrats toooo much, but why can't they keep their hands off their interns? Geez. Keep it in your pants buddy! Jenn's one of the few people here at Dland who like talking politics. Go figure.

So, um yeah, I think that's it for me. I might be back at some point. Of course, anything is possible. Au revoir.

Listening to: "Fade Into You" Mazzy Starr

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-07 at 10:33 p.m.