
About Me
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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


more like bore-o-phyll

Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean
(So fresh and so clean clean)
Don't you think I'm so sexy I'm dressed so fresh so clean
(So fresh and so clean clean)
Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean
(So fresh and so clean clean)
I love when you stare at me I'm dressed so fresh so clean
(So fresh and so clean clean)

I was watching MTV this weekend and they had on this really retarded show. Ok, yeah, so half the shows are retarded but this one takes the cake. Perhaps you have seen's called Dismissed. I guess the show hasnt really started, maybe they were just doing some preview.

In case you missed the show, you go on a date with two people and at some point you dismiss one of you dates. So I am watching this girl out with these two guys and the guys are just fighting over her the whole time and she is just eating it up. Ugh. I guess the date is split in two and you go one person's date and then switch. One of the guys took her shopping as part of his date. You know that he's the one who will get dumped. I just saw it coming. She bought a lot of stuff too. Greedy, I mean, girl.

Work stunk, as usual, no surprise there. Oh well. 6 more days, 6 more days. I decided to take Friday off anyway, and just try to put in some extra time every day. Well, today I put in an extra 5 minutes, but it's all good.

I sold another book today! Yay! Well, except I have to head to the post office and I only have like $1.08 and it costs more than that for shipping. But I am soo excited about getting some cash I hardly care.

I got like 4 emails from Jim today. That always makes my day. He was such a cutie. He has been trying to convince me to stay with the paper. I don't know if it's going to work because then I just spend my time working with student govt people, and aren't they the last people on campus I want to be, no actually, the crazy hippies (no we really do have crazy hippies I swear) take that honor. Well, I quit stud. govt for a reason, so perhaps this defeats the purpose.

The school opens two weeks from tomorrow. Where did the summer go? Geez. I missed the kids so much but come on, I could use a few extra days.

Well, if my computer was going any slower it would be going backwards, so I think I will leave on that note. Besides, it's almost Real World time.

Listening to: "Bad Boys For Life" P. Diddy

Update: I don't know if I mentioned this, but I was looking for books for those off campus classes I am going to take. So I clicked on the bookstore link on the school's site and there were no books listed. My school uses the same bookstore and OUR books were listed so while I was annoyed I figured the other school was just slow. Nooooooo, they just signed a deal with a different bookstore! ARGH! And the bookstore does not have a website. I am not trekking 45 minutes just to check out books. Argh. I hate this....

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-08-14 at 9:12 p.m.