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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
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June 29, 2006
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June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


mmmmmmm.......Jenn drinking.....

It's my birthday baby!

I can't believe I went to class on my birthday. I am such a dork. Oh well. It only meets once a week so I would be screwed if I missed it.

You know, it's kinda weird, for a lot of the day I did not seem to realize it was my birthday. I went to class, went grocery shopping (bought like 50 cans of veggies and all sorts of heavy stuff since Jim is here), had a glass of wine, and then off to dinner.

We went to our favorite little place,...nothing fancy, but I love it. I think Jim felt bad that we weren't at some wacked out expensive place....but hell, why bother?

So then it was bar time!! Woo hoo!

I felt kinda cheated since they did not card me at the door or the bar, since Jim knew the bouncer.

Now, call me a lightweight if you want, (and I am sure Ronni, my alcohol connoisseur will!) but I only had two drinks and I was....well, at that line between buzzed and drunk. I could walk, but it took effort. So sad...walking requiring thinking... :)

I have decided to keep a drink tab now that I am legal. See, what I hope to gain from this is that my over 21 friends can look at what I have had (and liked) and suggest new cool things to try. Cause I love to try new alkie-hol...I just hate beer, so keep that in mind.

Before - After

said Jenn on September 25, 2001 at