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one of my biggest mistakes

From the Spark:

What is something you forgot once that you'll never forget again?

I'm not very proud of this...but once I (I don't know if "forgot" is quite the word) how much my common sense....I "forgot" how much Jim meant to me....and I cheated on him.

It was when we first started dating. I went away for the weekend with some friends and Jim could not go. I met this guy, a friend of my friends, and he and I started hanging out since all of our friends started drinking like lushes. We left the hotel we were staying at and went out into Boston. Boston was still such a magical place for me my freshman year. I loved it, it was like it had a spell on me. I was so excited to be back in the city. We went on the T, did some sightseeing, and stopped to see Alan, my ex. I had told Alan that I had just started dating someone, and Alan thought this guy was my boyfriend. When the guy excused himself to go to the bathroom, Alan made a comment on how he thought that he was surprised I could get with a guy like that, that he seemed out of my league. Needless to say I was kinda pissed off, because I did not think that was a very nice thing to say. I did not bother to correct him that this guy was not my Jim.

Eventually we left, and walked back towards the T stop. Except the T never came, so we had to walk back to the hotel. It was a long walk, and we stopped a few times at park benches and just talked about whatever.

By the time we got back to the hotel everyone was passed out, except for this kid who was watching TV in the room we were all keeping our stuff. So he left, letting me sleep in the room. It was a suite of rooms and the whole suite had been trashed, passed out people everywhere, and tons of puke. It was pretty gross. I felt bad about making this guy find a place of his own. So I let him stay there, we watched TV on the bed for awhile...and then he came on to me. I wish this was the part of the story where I said I rejected his advances. Unfortunately, it is not (yet). I won't get into details..not much went on...not that it makes it any better.

After I made him leave, I felt so bad. I start to cry so badly and in a spur of the moment decision I tried to call Jim. Fortunately for me, I could make a long distance call. I woke him up and cried about how much I missed him and could not wait to see him. I was calling in part because of guilt, but I also really missed him.

It's been like three years and I still feel badly about it. Jim knows of course (hell, this would be a bad way for him to find out!!) and he was much better about it than I deserved.

Before - After

said Jenn on April 18, 2002 at 1:20 a.m.