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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


Yankee stadium

I went to Yankee stadium last night! It was so amazing. I did not have enough time to update to say that I was going, but yeah, Jim got us tickets (he came up yesterday) and we went to see the Yanks vs the Mariners.

The Yankees lost, but STILL. I can't find the entry, but last summer I wrote about how much one of their pitchers, Lilly, sucks ass. Well, he still does.

Coming from MA, I could never imagine a stadium so huge. It was enormous!!! Our seats were so good too. You could see so much and the atmosphere was amazing. It was definitely one of those things that you remember for a very very long time.

So, yeah, Jim is here for the little mor e than a weekend. I am so happy because I was starting to miss him a hell of a lot. It was weird, because I always miss him when he is not here, do not get me wrong, but the past week or two I have really really missed him. Perhaps it is because so much has been going on, and I want to share it with him. We do not even talk every day so it seems like by the time we talk, so much happens, and I inevitably forget a lot.

*sigh* It's been a great 24 hours though. Tonight after I get out of work at the library its off again to work, this time to deliver. But I am bringing Jim with me, so it will be loads of fun. Plus I can feed him employee discount calzones, which of course is a bonus.

Well, I am off again, I guess. I probably will not update until Tuesday. Ciao! :O)

Before - After

said Jenn on May 04, 2002 at 7:23 p.m.