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July 01, 2006
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end of an era

It's the end of an era, Ex is leaving. For good this time.

It's interesting. There were times I wished he was gone. Then when he graduated I figured that was it. He would go back to Jersey and I would never see him again. I was okay with that.

But he came back. After a summer there he decided to move back to Amherst. Since he never found a permanent job, and Jim was gone, we spent a lot more time together. We would go out for dinner, or for ice cream, or would just hang out somewhere.

Now I am actually going to miss him. He went from just being an ex to being an actual friend. It's kinda weird too, because he's been here the entire time I have been here...he's my last friend from freshman year. Very sad.

It's odd being on campus with all these people I do not know. Being a grad student now makes me feel like I don't have as much in common with these people. Plus I have never done well with people who are a few years younger than I am. They just seem too damn immature. I have always enjoyed the company of older folk. I guess that works out well in my program, since I am the baby. The next youngest is 3 months older than I am, and the oldest person is older than my mother - he's 46. So yeah, we are an interesting group.

Before - After

said Jenn on August 31, 2002 at 9:11 p.m.