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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


weekend woes

Ah, the weekend is upon me already. At this point next week, I will be speeding along to Bradley Airport, to hop on a plane to see my baby. To say that I am excited is an understatement.

But Jenn, you wonder, weren't ya all pissed off and stuff at Jim? Well, yeah, I was. And I decided that ranting about it here, while it made me feel a little better, does not change the situation. So before Friends last night I gave him a ring and we talked. I mean TALKED.

It's interesting, at one point I was crying, which I HATE to do because it makes me feel so weak, and he was said, well, you know I am just going to capitulate and do what you want anyway. He pointed out how he hadn't wanted to move off campus with me his senior year, but he did. And so I started thinking a couple things. One was that I thought he enjoyed that. He talks a lot now that I have moved out of our old apartment about he misses it. But the second was that it was interesting how both of us feel so powerless in our relationship. Heck, I don't want to be the one calling the shots, but I want to feel like I have some sort of say though.

Sooooooooo....Secret Santa is going well, I came home from class and found some requests. So that's cool.

My dismal outlook for the weekend is as follows: finish writing this entry, and play some Sims. Ignore urge to buy Sims Vacation. Tonight I should do the assignments I got back to do over. :(

Saturday my goal is to do all my work due next week. Then on Sunday I want to do my work due in two weeks since I am going to DC baby! I am so excited. Actually, as if its not exciting enough, Jenn said maybe we could get together. That is so exciting. I have been reading Jenn almost as long as I have been on Diaryland. She's definitely one of my favorite diarists. So I know that would be really cool. It's like meeting your favorite book author or something...Well, at least she already knows I am a super big dork.

A. and I were talking during the break of our class. He is such an interesting guy. We were talking about Amherst schools. He hates them. And you know, it's interesting because I used to love them. When I first knew I wanted to become a teacher I used to imagine how great it would be to teach at the school I worked at for 4 years. But now I am not so sure. I realized last week that my new school in Amherst is not so great. For instance, I work in a classroom of about 20 kids. There are three students of color, and they are all pulled out for special services. Coincidence? I don't think so. These kids are in the "regular" classroom for about half an hour. They aren't even there for morning meeting, for crying out loud. I am sure they can handle it. Sharing is not exactly taxing on the brain. Anyway, I think it's interesting.

Alright, I am signing I can get a Bacardi Silver. ;)

Before - After

said Jenn on November 01, 2002 at 1:27 p.m.